Who is 2025 in the Eve Revolution? | The question of the day

Welcome to another The question of today!

The EU Revolution will take place tonight (Make sure to check for real-time coverage when the zero hour starts, that means the clock is working for our last-minute prophecies.

My question for you today “Buked matches for AUV revolution 2025?” Do you think you think? “

Remember to answer with your response in the comments below.

Up to my answers …

Trios matches: “Huge leaped!” AJ (Big Justice), Johnny TV, MXM Collection (Mansoor, Mason Madan)

For my life, I don’t understand how much more popular is the popular one of the most popular. I don’t get funny. Perhaps it will attract the most common Dinominator because it is sound like little keys and sound like a small children, and sounds and sound?

Similarly, the Babys side won, obvious. Put on a clown show, and it’s all here to make people laugh. Orange Cassidy and everything deserves the best haha ​​here.

Steel Cage Match: OSPRAY VS. Cayle Fletcher

This will be a Bag. Even if the result, I’m okay. Either it raises the fletcher level up, or it affects OSPia as a suid’s winner.

Ultimately, I go with Oscaredi, but I’m not moved if I was wrong with it.

Mjf vs. “Hangman” Adam page

From all the matches in the card, I find the most difficult to predict. It can go and go and we don’t know what is going next and we’re proding to the emptiness. Don’t fight for the world title or for any championship, so where will it go? I don’t know.

I won the page wins, not successful in an important match, but I’m 51/49 here.

Singles competitor to determine # 1 competitor for AV World Championship: Sweve Strickland vs. Recutet / AUu World Championship Competition: John Mexley (C) vs.

If next to the world title, it should be strictly strictly. I think Jon Moxley is integrated here and keeps John Moxley so that doesn’t mean to be his next opponent. In the main event of the AVU dynasty, wine can fight – the next salaries-hound-view-Hound-Hound, and it soon learns that it feels that it was a major fight.

Auay TBS Championship match: Mercedes Mon (c) vs. Moothieabe

Mercedes are not lost. She is not particularly going to lose her EV headier to a back. If it were in other other belts, I think they could be in danger, but Wataibe may not be a TBS champion. This is as simple as it is.

AV World Tag Sche Championship Competition: Cindicate vs.

Another simple one: the remote backings don’t get a disturbance here. It will completely reduce the syndicate that hurt only a gag. I am sure that Turbo and Sea Magnum will have a few seconds in the re-fighting competition. But it doesn’t end in their favor.

The match for the AU Word World Championships falls anywhere: “The timeless” tony storm (c) can Maria

It’s been the last time. Need to maintain the storm, the two need to move on something else. If this is returned to May, the next thing to fight against her, or a roundabout way to come to the same competition.

AEU International Championship: Consukey Kenny Omega / AU Continental Championship: Kasukia Okada (C) Wave. Broadi King

Actually, I set up in the idea that Omega won’t succeed here. Once the reports of the reports of my tune have changed the international and condoment Championships. Now, like omega tightens, it is a few months: Texas expected to make it an intercontinental championship for a title consolidation.

What do you think? Put your thoughts in the bottom!

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