Logan Paul’s paul makes enemies everywhere.
Former WE Packed In New York City in New York City in New York City, former WED
In Episod, Paul is also in a segment designed in a segment, designed to be in a segment, designed to be New Netflix Special of Andrew Schools, “Life”In front of the missing was seated with his wife.
The Paul Los did not go away when it was planned Diligent Physical and Slaming Schools and Brain’s floor to the floor of the Podcast Host. He brought to rhong school to make more damage, only aj.
https://www.youtube.com/watch ow=v=v5J0_5zGcc
Following the sculpture of 3/10 broadcast, Schuti Backstage spoke with Kathy Keli in WWE interview.
“(I thought I was to consider a friend) Schulz said the comment on the opinion of the Paul Loss was to be honest with the people I have regarded a friend. I appreciated him as a father and then he asks me a question, and he wants to lie in front of my people in the New York. What type of douchebag is in front of your people? “
Shulz continued, so I need to tell them the truth. This part-time Rain-Slash-Pokémon card collector is not here, whatever he is doing. There are those who have submitted this kind of life, and I want to see them. That is why I show. I took me all my life to perform in the garden. This guy buys a Pokémon card for $ 4 million and does he show? For me that is incredibly unjust. So, I can’t believe that he did to be honest with you. At least tell me, we will make a pretty struggle to man. I was there my wife. “
The hospitality of Supreme The podcast mentioned that he was planning to rode Paul again in the future.
“I ‘lounge to the logan again, and this time, we will be ready a little and it will be a bit friendly,” he said. “That’s all I try to say.”