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Fighting life “is never easy”
March 6, 2025 Milford in the Connecticut Tribus Beer Company
On March 9, 2025 Tall TV +
I saw this show in a liquor system and I saw the shows from here. The ring pushed into a corner. Most people stand up; The crowd 150, but it was packed. .
* Unfortunately, the Brad Bailor could not make it, so the mortar admits in the opening competition.
1. ALEC Price Verson Mortar. It can be the best matching. The price is the high, but they are almost weight. They rocked the bell by showing that they were belfaces before they are locked up. Strike a spinning heels at 1:30 at 1:30 at 1:30, then a center. Good opposites are wheeling a carter with mortar. At 5:00, the price fell to a half-Faxon Sepups. He hit some of the run in a corner. Springboard crossbodi hit the mortar for a skill to a skill.
Mortar is a chochalam, and then a worldwater to an intimacy at 7:00. Price fixed for his springboard. The price hit a ddty to ring to apron. Mohit and mortar a Dowl-style sky and a DO L-Style Sky is affected by a tent on a tent hour. The price was received a success role for a buttocks, and then a superkick, another. Please be the price by climbing into morner. Breached his springboard twisted a twisted ddt. Sharp opener. Anyway, like a clock work, price matches consistently in 10 minutes. They shook the hands later.
Alec Price Morter failed at 9:56 in 9:56.
* Joey Window Came out of the back; Surgery was conducted in a torn shiny. He tired, “Unable to be a Glynoid” because he was assigned using steroids. Klown King Already in the ring, but the Janaanah is the commissioner here. When he talked, he arrived in January’s food delivery, the Joey Delivery driver sent to the ring to open the king! Good humor. The crowd says “You can do that!”
2. Klon King vs. Uber driver eaten. The child was wearing a black hoodie and his regular street clothes, and he dressed the glasses. He climbs in the ring. Interpreters said that there is no businesses in the ring. He can easily be easily kinned king’s younger brother. The Knowledge put the child into the task, it was simple and fun. The child escaped from the edge of a racer, he hit a dropkick at 2:30. The king responded with a clothes line; He peel the kid’s shirt and hit a source. The driver was shot, a ‘helk’ spotted. Children have some shoulder tucks and a back seplet for 5:30, he flashed his shirt. He hit a Sena-style five nuckole shuffle, he connected the king in Tanenduru. “What do we witness here?” Shouting a commentator.
The child affected a top rope crossboard, crowd “Uber!” Interpreters were surprised if they can get money for this promotion of service. At 7:30 at 7:30 pm struck the red in a code in a code. Rath hit a releasing of a releasing German. The child hit a Canadian Destron. Gained a brain ability to pin the king. That was great; It was very interesting than introducing a rooky “It’s his first match.” I hope he is not clinging to a gimmy but it was fun for debut. The name of the people deserves an extra tip on delivery; Showed him to get $ 3.
Ubert at 8:28 had eaten Ubert 8:28.
Note: is listed as “Youngboy”, he is now 48 matches.
3. Dustin Waller Varsus Lucas Chase (W / J Phoenix, Shan Neit). Chase hugged his partners but sent them back. Waller struck in a malignant injection in opening moments for a skill! Chase is a bit tall but thick and visible. Hit the Waller some chops. Chase is a Samoan drop hit at 2:00. Waller affected a huranakarana and then a plan to the floor, but the Waller was favorable to a knee. As he got into the ring, beat a chopped block at 4:30 at a chop block at 4:30. The argument he was applied to a half crab.
Chase was applied to a Texas Clovalu 7:30, and then he affected a spine. Waller second rop spanish fly and they were both beneath 10:00. Press a breaking star and then a single shooting star, then a single shooting star, then a Mickinok driver for a cage. The chase was applicable to a picture of a picture, four leglock, swirling in the pain, but he eventually changed it eventually. They traded GodButs and won the Crupilitan bomb on the Waller Shore. Shan tie Referred to override and distract his attention Jai Notics To the Waller Highter outside of a kendo stick! Chase Press a Piddriver with a cheap pin. That was really good.
Lucas Chase defeated Dustin Walor at 15:53
* Ichiban And Klown King Get around their hands to follow the heel. I enjoy the six-man tag in the next show!
* Ashley vox There were travel problems and it can’t put on the show; The crowd expressed frustration.
4. Geremy La Croix vs. Sebas Fin. I don’t think I had seen heel ladix before; The commentators said he was a student. He is like Joe Gase but a bit of thinner or nxt. Finn truly improved, and I hate him. At the mat they quickly trade opposites, Fin ‘La Croix’s hands. Comments how did Knox Voles have prepared in this game, so gearers are changing in the face of La Croix. La Croix hit him for a coat for 3:30 at 3:30. Finn hit a butlebump corner and a Seputhex, then a clothes line for a cage for 6:30. The delay in pinning the delay in pin is fin. Is honorable.
Seapas Fin Jerami defeated La Crawf 8:14.
5. Antony Green Versons Ichiban. Interpreters suggested that a nahend in Japan, an empowerment of Noah is green. It should be really good. The Green ichman was pushed in an angle, and was mocked at his head. The Ichiban some deep arms collectors hit a dropkick at 2:30. Green Ground Ichiban, but they fought to the floor, but Anthony accidentally picked the ring post. In the ring, Green hit a snap sept in the sepert for a tenancy. At 6:30 at 6:30, Ichiban struck an Ezigir. He is his’ one! ” “Punches in the corner.
Ichiban won the second rope missile dropkick and then Ichiban won the Superkick, then Springboard crossbode. They traded a lot of reversals that could not be intersected in each other, and then they strike double clothing lines on 9:00. Green affected in Seplex, a variety of Green, Ichiban leaves his stomach. Green hit a superckic. Ichiban clashed for a buttocks for a buttocks; I thought it was that. On 11:30 at 11:30 at 11:30s The Green-Rope Stooner Nails against the second rope stunner for a reliable ability. He lost a moons but Ichiban devised to a corner, and then he struck a pillionkeeper. Ichiban got a Huranakarana for Flash Pin! That was really good!
Ichiban Antony’s Green lost was lost at 12:29.
. Phoenix still had a kendo stick. Again, lust look like a short Elias, like Amazstian sandov, thick, dark beard. APJ and Names opened, and Babeeps twisted the left hand of the Shan. They hit stereo boldogs. On 3:00 on 3:00, the engine has affected the engine and hit the heel and in the planet. The net will be hit by the Nedo Nedo at the forehead of the APAG foreheads.
The lust is received a hot tag but was ordered to his corner in reference. APNS to interact at 8:30. Mohi was finally got the hot tag, smashing the elbows behind and then hit the elbows and then a Samoan drop on phenics. He hit the DDT on a pump-handle on 10:00. The Having affected the DDT that approached a closely DDT, but save my spirits. Hop the ring in the ring, so asjpj changed him to the floor. Kendo stick was seized, but Ichiban Appear and see! Punctory And -Al-handed And appeared and they followed! In ring, perfect strangers beat a team by the Russian Legigwip moving and pinned Nitr. Solid tag match.
Fighting life defeated Steven Mosh, AJP Jay Phoenix and Shaan Neit.
7. Richard Holiday Vs for a fighting life title Tron Jordan. Jeelen Brandin Jaelen Brandin of the Jordan routine waves and the young tag partner. Jordan is still out to Whitney Houston “I want to dance someone” and the entire crowd gather together. (I believe I saw five singles from Troveone.) The new champion “New Champion” is in Jordan. Open, Linging Switches to a Feeling Process. The Jordan is found as the 6th of Jordan 6’2 “or a small height, and they went to the floor.
Back to the top, take over Holiday control, leaped in Trovon, and in the planet. Beat a Don-style sky high power sky high power sky High Powerbirs at 12:30. The interpreters have returned to return from a tour of Holiday in England and will face some Jet Lag. They took the throat of each other; A Kooty affected a chochalam, and they were both less than 14:30. Trone misses a frogsplash, Holiday got a pole immediately. Holiday has hit a close center, he applied to a trailer hitch leglock. The punch they got up and pawn. In 19:30, Jordan affected a leg Lariael. The refers leaping! Trove raised another sky to pinch a visual pinch but we didn’t have a referent!
Holiday trove head-first into the middle turnback, and he got a chair. Downto a new referend in the chair and confiscated it, but Holiday alone. Truvenen affected a frog 21:31! New champion! But wait … The first refusal to have a leg in Holiday ropes. Refs and a declaration spoke, they determined, and the match should continue. I started the Bell again, but hole in the hat for the SPI.
Richard Holiday defeated Trovon Jordan to maintain a fighting career 21:50.
* Holiday gets into the meet on the meet and he said his next opponent B3caShe told her, he said she would stay at home.
Final thoughts: This was a really strong show with my northeastern indi favorites. The fighting life uses some wrestlers that don’t want me, but they hadn’t had tonight. I will be narrow with Ichiban versus Antony Green for a better match than the price price. I really liked Lucas Chase-Waler and takes third. The main event was good, taking a decent remark. Loves a lot here; This was a very interesting indy indi show.