Smacdown Recapture (March 14, 2025): A flag of Barcelona

I like how got the WEAE in this week’s episode “Miss TV” has received Smackda s Macda on Friday night – Earnings near the entrance of the segment with Charlotte Flair and Tiffany Strateon. Then more later in the recipe.

It was fun.

WECE. Hell, he may have originally overcome the Roman and I don’t know. He was surprised to him as he went.

I don’t know why.

A son’s son Miss, Rhodes passed against his mouth in his mouth, and the roads against the road.

“Miss TV” canceled.

Rhodes captured a mic and it did not want to talk to the missing the miss. He wants to talk to John Sena. He will be Raw on Monday night The next week, they will probably face a lot to schedule Kena.

Although a little disappointed to the best people in Barcelona, ​​they both worked to build a better job to build up and they did a better job to build each other the next time, actually wrestling.

“ladies and gentlemen…”

Pole Heman was on smack down This week to say you want to inspire us in two things. Today is officially “Roman rule” because it’s 2k25 release is the release day of WWE. He encouraged the game, but told everyone to wait after smackown, because he wants high ratings for his segment.


Item two: One of those people who get the cover of 2K25, there is a problem with those people, so the good friend of six Heman’s good friend. Unfortunately, it was not his day, and it was not the Hell “freakin” rolinz day.

Haitan will tell them how many fans are singing and how much is the song.

If anyone is a problem, or roman, while the video game is in the cover of the video game or the man will be able to tell the man at Italy. Fans have been exploited hell from this because they should not see himself.

The Hyanman told them to buy a plane ticket. “Awaiting to be waiting to not allow you to allow you through the border.”


This was a segment’s lightwork designed to promote the fact that the video game has come out. To do so, it was success.

We are not needed for its reminder, LAFT knight is still awesome among the worlds around the world. The above reminder we were not necessary at the top of the smarkdow, Barcelona new United States was presented in the United States Champion in the United States Champion.

It was very difficult to believe that the crowd was loudly from the middle rope.


After his music, they rudored him, and he allowed him to breathe. If the whole crowd eats from his palms, I wanted to think of one of the greatest of the greatest of the greatest.

“I may be my God at least but I am in the world.”

You are right.

Before it is really getting into it, Jimmy USO, despaired one who has admitted himself. He is to make a road on the road to the bus, and throws a challenge of his sole posts and the US title.

Provide dim Soloccova from the building. If someone deserves shot, it’s the Jacob Farm. When Jimmy is trying to speak in the words he purchased.

Not a big form but things happen.

The Sikova’s ceap crew surrounds Babyfaces in the rrooper and won the numbers before the brown strovman won the things. General Manager Cleared the General Manager Nick Aldius, make some simple figures, and do six man tag team.

There was a competition that seemed that the crowd was very hot. In the end, Stromman has reached tama toonga after the powerlass of covering.

The crowd brines through the crowd after the twisting of the twisted night and Sikova after the twisted night and Sikova. They once rejoiced once again.

I can’t wait until I left the branches and become more. The person already has all equipment.

At the continuing show, when the camera declared the camera at the camera announced next week next week, we later saw the show. The place was starred in a Suppoing role, and they decided to create a guy featured without disturbing him.

Anyway, he is the best and we will continue to say that.

Street profit is the new WWE tag team tribe!

Awesome awesome!

I don’t have to tell much of it beyond what seems to be stealed Montes Ford after the Pinyry. It’s been a while for both of them it’s been a while, where they finally.

What does it mean to DIY? Alas, who’s listening to?

Are beautifully fatal lines for profit.

All the rest

  • The interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interviewed interview with Jade Kargil, where she works physically and emotionally. Better is better, not so much in the second. She called Naema kind to command the things that deserve jade. When Bikanka was upset over Beley, Live Morgan & Rukval Rodriguez blamed the weeks against his attacks, and they did not clear it. Before the jade, they set a match for next week before the jade. It was great for what it was, but Kargil is still a bit tough on her delivery.
  • After the fight against B-Fab, the Charlotte flare returns, because I was happy to have they been together. In this game the flare gave a little bit, and perhaps because she is coming. She went, because she did so, and she was firearms after finish. The Tiffany Straton showed to save the B-Fall to a picture. It was literally done to increase inspiration for its competition. Through the next segment they look very literally and scattered Cody Roads to introduce Cody Roads for Miss TV. In the function. Is simple and effective.
  • The pre-tape pre-tape is always there to get rid of the story of his last year. “He promised to give the priest to the priest to never take anything from me again. Promo was strong and I can’t get in the program. Meanwhile, the priest has entered it with Shinski Nakamura Backstage, and it was established by a competition. The priest said when the musntier showed and distracting his attention. When you can’t get rid of Nicamurura, the McCuinaire Ring has been ran and forced a Diku. He was attacked and left the left priest. I don’t get there.
  • The first one of the Randy Oramoter and Carmolo Hais went to the place when it went to the place to be cheaper seats. Instead, showed Kevin Ovans and pulled out the Mellow. Orthe was shot with him short, but the crowd went through the crowd to avoid more encounter. This comes faster than later, however is wonderful.
  • The current NXT tag team came to the World Heavywait Champion firing to bring the champion champion universe to a match. Of course, from Spain, it was treated like the hero. You can guess how the match has played – a jerk to you can read on the chapse face until you get out of the accident. They have done a great job to tell the story of a small underdog fight to overthrow a very large and dominant champion. Surely he could do it, but Ganthander stop him in the way. This was a great business. It worked in every way. An increase of Jimmy USO backstage was found to have a word with his brother, because the same verdict is seen Gestiania. “We wake up and uce!” Absolutely.

A beautiful good show!

Grade: B +

Your turn.

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