Jason PowellPRRESTLY.NET Editor (@ppownnetnet)
Chris Van Wan Wan Wann Van van van van van van
Host: Chron Van Vnighty
Podcast is available PODCASTS.CPLE.com
Steiner in math: “No (I didn’t write it out), I was not knowing about it. Will take. The numbers are meaning and they add. But it doesn’t matter, it meant in my mind. “
If he think it is very memorable: “I don’t have any idea. I am worth the fans who are remembering that. So, people still talk about it today.”
Signing his son to Word: It happened because he saw in ESPL, he had two games. One has overcome the 85 yard and scored it and the ESPS selected it. Surely they had on one side, yes, yes. Then that they are interested in being interested. “
If his two sons come in some stage: “I’d rather be sure of the kids and other people in the kids. So when I stopped. So when I stopped. Talking to Bruns, and then he was gone to be bug. So I didn’t always get the match. So I didn’t want to go to wrestling.
Do not use Steiner name in the Brob Breakkkkkkkkkk “Well, they never shrugs from it, because he knows us in the popularity. So they think he is a stainer name.
In his body conversion: “Well, I didn’t get a great deal. When I was wrestling, I was gone to the line. Leaned. Yes I got more cut. “