Jason PowellPRRESTLY.NET Editor (@ppownnetnet)
In the WWER performance center, the air will stay from Orlando in Orlando. Trick Williams Verpip includes the Eddie Hydree Thirre in the underground contest. Join John Moore for a weekly live review of what is shown on Tuesday for 7 cents / 8. Audio Reviews same night’s same night is available only for dot net members (including our Patrave Patrons).
We are looking for reports from NTGN events in Orlando. If you want to help go to shows, email me in Dotnetjasone @ J. Jamesome.
-I Last week NXT Road Block Fublock Fublock Fublock Episode is a rare grade. Each of the delivered match decided with pure finishes. What doesn’t like?
Birthdays and impressive
-Rick Martel (Richard Wiggage) is 69.
-Inkaya quakbush (mike spermal) is 49.
-C3 (Michael Hattate) is 42.
-Phistic scores (joseph seeds) is 32.