Chris TeterProvincial contributors (@ swisvetter73)
New Japan Pro Wrestry “New Japanese Cup”
March 9, 2025, Japan, Japan gorjain
Real-time stream New Japanese world
Lights were less, and I can’t see fans, but it seems to be greater than small jims they used. Lighting above the ring is really good. Walker gave the Stewart Solo because the show was started.
* The new Japanese cup of this year is 24-myant. Therefore, “irregularity of eight wrestlers grows’. Thus, we have eight of the first round matches, including the last four people.
1. “Bullet Clubber dogs” Chase Avenver and Sales “Just 4 Shangs” Yumuro and Takinok. Eye and Sunada opened. On 2:30 at 2:30 pouring the banu ropes to strike in Uyea, they hit the groin at 2:30 and they accused to the floor and the crowd. Taka followed 5:00, C-trigger knee strike for the sea. Is honorable.
Chase Avenver and Nanaua defeated Yumana and Yumana at 7:05.
2. “United Empire” Jeff Coob, Jakob Austin Young, TJP, TJP, TJP. “Zak Sabrar JR. Hartley Jackson, Royhe Oi. It is a month since I saw the TJP, it is easy to see him back in Japan. Packer Sabir Stewart last week last week Fugo Del Solar Sales won over Warner and he was noticed that he could see Zac without gold. Sabaster and TJP opened, and they traded the opposite of mat. Kobe and Hartley entered 2:30 and hit the adult with the shoulder tackles. Hartley encountered a sliced in the chest of Jacob’s chest, and then tagged in Oi, and they tied in young in mat.
The TMDK was working in their corner in their corner and twisted the left handed, and hatched Heartley affected a BodySlamla for a coconut for a coat for 6:00. OIWA went in and took a cube. Sabar tried for a German sepex, instead of Jeef’s shoulder settled to a pale to the shoulder. The ovath broke a back in spheres after a babies for a fabric for 10:30. Really good activity.
Sack Zebor Junior, Hartley Jackson, Royhe Ouva, Jacob Austin Young and TJP were defeated at 10:53.
3. “Bullet Clubber Dogs” David Finlala, Gabund Finlay took her shillg to her shillg ranch. Were first warmed; The BCWD was charged to rings, six six and six male, it went on the floor soon. With the lights in the lights, it is difficult to see the action. We’re back on top 3:00 and the UGRA gdo has been attached to the mat. . In a picture, the tyle tide lumps. Sit the Canamara, then beat an Enzueiggiri in Finlay. He got a swigy of whiskey. Nevertheless, straightening the air towards Finely Canamaru’s whiskey. Finland later for PN (Stan-up knee strike) for PN. Is honorable.
David Finale, Gabndi and Jidado defeated Rein Narita, Ujirita, Ujiru Taghashi and Yoshinu Kaneremaru 7:22.
4. “Holicity, Show, Dick Togo” Los Ingobanables “Busho, Shingo Tamaki, Yunta Saji. The action was attacked by the action and went on the floor immediately. Yota and the evil are climbing into the ring, and Sujan strives some forearms. The heat began working at their angle. The Shingo got into Shingo and take some of the opposite angles at 5:00, then a member of a group. At 7:00 on the evil one dropped a dragon class legvish. Bushi was tagged in and struck the basement dropkick to the knee of evil. Heel began working over the bushily, Togo to the groin is chopped on her knife-edge at 9:00. Shoe bushi affected bushie with a wrench. The evil is applied to a sharp shooter, the musfa taped. Basic.
Evil, shoots, Dick Togo Bushi, Shingo Tha Kangaki and Yeta Suji were defeated at 9:42.
* Managoli The Walker of the commentary joined the Walker. Good; TJ is on the top of God commentators.
5. Boltin Oleg vs. Lock Felel in a new Japanese first round tournament. I will never bet in Pro wrestling but I think the Olg first round matchups is most likely. They traded the shoulder blocks, and they went on the floor, and there he made him a protector of himself. In the ring, Feler knew him. . A bodies of the crowd popped and then a splash for a capacity. The thunderstorms for the elbow to eat for a trusted ability! Cheated on me. He placed for the grenade but Olg was avoided. Press the Camikes (Fulle Role Forward (Huge Pop!) To pinpass the hugely pulled. More than my expectations arrived first.
Boltin Olg defeated bad luck for 7:11.
6. Great-O-Khan versus El Yanasmo (w / Jado) in a new Japanese first round tournament. The bell was ringing, both played in the mobs, and was previously locked on 1:00, and they immediately went to the mat. O-Khan knocked down and took control over a backbracker above 3:00. The LP has hit some of the choices sold on O-Khan. Elp and dropped him on the floor on 7:00. They bother on the floor. Elp lost to the floor to a monsult but went down to his feet; However, when O-Khan split the tomb immediately at 9:00 pm in ringland. ELP back to the right in the number of Walker said that the means could come together.
ELP got a roller for an attitude of the elp and then another. At 12:30 at 12:30, a hurricane broke a hurricane on a letter. Jodo hit the crowd, the elp hit a superkick for a capacity. ELP CR2 (as modified philos) went away, but O-Khan struck a flatline and then eliminator slamp to a clean pin mat.
Led the best O-Khan El Fanasmo.
7. Drarra Molliyano Ishi in a new Japanese Cup first round tournament game The Drana moved to the Heavywait Division, I picked him to win this. They immediately struck the forearms. Molony beat a dropkick for 1:00. As this assol is thought to be styles, the TJP said the Walker was involved in the TJP’s winner. Moloni hit a steep for a capacity for a skill. Walker said the two men were shared the only ring in the GROUNTLETTLETTTTT tag team match. At 3:30 at 3:30, a bulldongly affected the moliononi. Ishi in a brain. At 6:00, Ishalay hit the second cup of SuperPlex, but a German hit a German powder from my leg.
Molony clashes a gore, and they were both below. He struck an Eshi, who left the Ishi. He went to the second Goick and was blocked by the Tshalay, holding drama and hit the headbut. Drivers Blow on his own clothes 8:00, then a spinebaster for an oven. He struck a reliable group for a selfish and the second toring. On 10:30 at 10:30, a German supports, and they were both down. Ishiit on the sliding apparel document for a reliable ability. Both the headbutt for a reliable ability and another washing dressline. The drump fell into a superkey and brainwaters but the ezek is expelled! Ishhi knocked in a spear but dragga hit one in one! They rose up and traded the slaughters. Molony drillilla Killa (withdrawal) nails to pinned to pin. No one has ever been expelled from it yet. A sharp match.
Tomahiro defeated Tomahiro on 14:04
8. Tetzouiyan Nito versus the Qur’an Neeran in a new Japanese Cup first round tournament game. Again, Newman has given back a knee from injury this week. “Can we give us a comb for this matching competition?” TJP said. Funny. Newman is immediately knocks the mafia kick, stretched out the leg. They fought to the floor, and there was the laws of patronage at 2:30. In the ring, the rings reaping on top of the knee, sold the pain; He rolled down to the floor to reconstruct. In the ring, New Muhan 5:30 pm struck the penalty kick, but the girl was sold.
The TJP is public rooting all night all night and really called here. Neto was tied up and trampled knees and trampled knees and retained the Newman Ground. Naiota beat his modified Blockbuster at 9:00. He struck a Destino, but not all, but received a skill. Newman lost an Oscator. Pito got a inner cradle. Draet; I thought it would be Neelan’s night.
Tetzouya Nitth Defeated Palom Newman to leave at 11:05.
9. Hiruchi Gokano and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. and Uji Nagata SATOSI COJIMI. Again, the goto offered a title shot and offered a title shot, and they opened the wrist strike. Tanuhashi beat some European Uppercuts in Kojima; Herishi smashed heroshi with shoulder tackle. Gotoo and Kogima’s trade wrists at 5:30. At 8:00, Tanuhashi affected his second Roser Centon for a capacity. UG withdraws an Exploder Seecs. Kogima rode in again and knocking rapid shooting from the corner in Tanahazi. Satoshi hit the Koi Cutt at Goto at 10:00.
Press goto at a clothes dropped by the Cogima. Goto, Hiroshi and stereo knelt in neckbreakers. Cogma was blocked but cogima was blocked. Hit a hard clothingline, and shot. Pato hit GTR stam later. The decent match was stored in the appropriate length; I was afraid that they will go so long twice.
Hirukki Gokano and Hirusha Tanahashi defeated UG Nagata and Satoshi Kogima on 12:13.
Final thoughts: Ishi-Molaiyi Show-Mola. I hope that not when it continues everyone to be shining everyone, it is fully expected to win, but it was really good. I will travel with Elrip vs. O-Khan because it is because it’s going to end it. Newman-Nito takes a remote third.
The main event was sufficient. Remember, the headline of a 45-year-old Goto is for me, it speaks that the line under 40 is not placed against anyone under 40, instead of a opponent.
After a day off, the tournament resumes on Tuesday with three second round matches: David Faiwa VS.