By Cris Water, Provincers (@ swisvetter73)
എല്ലാ wwe, ae, nxt, tna, gcw, mlw, rown, tna, tocable ഇവന്റുകൾ, ടാപ്പറുകൾ എന്നിവയെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള റിപ്പോർട്ടുകളെ ഞങ്ങൾ തിരയുന്നു. If you join a show, encourages you to send a report to the DotetGason or even basic results
Glorious Pro Wrote “Ascends” (Episode 67)
The South Broadway Club has taped on February 16, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025
Premiered through March 9, 2025 *V=GOGR7uiw–8o
It is their first new episode after February 14, it is the first episode of a new taping. It is one of the largest venues they use, maybe 200-250 per crowd. We have a new interpretation pair; This does not be the reeds pardon for this week.
* We take the land ended at the last moment, Cody Lane Failing ““Warrior’s” Jake Parinel To win the crown of the glory title. We have gone back and a path that is running there talked about his success. He made an open challenge!
1. Cody Lane vs. Dak Draper for the crown of Key Crown The on-screen graphic is now called “Draper”, because he grew up because he reminds me. The interpreters were shorter than the Coda 6’2, but the Dak hit the floor. The Dak was abducted on the ring. Mafia hit the kick.
A top coir sent at 8:30 at the top 8:30 that hit a flying crosbody block duck. In ring, the duck again was back to a standing stretch muffler to the mat, he mainly spinned the main aircraft before the sloping path to the mat. The intermittent received a jacnif cover for a skill. Lane beat Lane a Springboard Centon for a tent in 11:00 am and then a Lione Burned a Duckle. A large blue thunderstorm duck was nailed as a tent. The floor has affected a planneel style sentone to the Dak! It seemed to be dangerous. Both came down to the floor. In ring, Coda shoots on 15: 30 on the 15: 30. The second coir fantaway slices and they were behind them both. Cody hit a joint! He was splashed a top rope cedding to pining. Good match.
Cody trail defeated Dak Drap to maintain the crown of glory 17:13.
Final thoughts: I’m a big fan of a chicked match show in 28 minutes, but I’m glad to have a new episode to see. As always, more vigits highlight each episode to the length of the length of 50. Hope we have new episodes for the next four or week, they can go back to the track. There is only a handful of boys in Rohl, I’m not stuck around, not, flip Gordon to come in the mind soon. I’ve never had the Draper not succeeded here, but they had a good match.