Ged McDonag, why he completed the match during a table of wus, and he completed the match, and at a wargage match

Jason PowellPRRESTLY.NET Editor (@ppownnetnet)

Insight with Jedi McDonag chris van van van van van van van van van
Host: Chron Van Vnighty
Podcast is available ow=fv=fv=fvt3spfjws

Landing on the Declaration List: “I guess that the planning is at the planning stage. So I did it on the side of the ring.

In his quick thoughts after the accident: “I was thinking about that moment and when I was not like it was, because I have noticed my head in his voice. Lays, he says about you. “

When returning to the competition: “Everything is slow in moments like this. So I can do it. So I can do it. So I can get it. So I get up. So I got up there.”

If he knows how bad it was at that point: “I thought it’s probably the broken ribs of it. I could not get a whole lungs. Then I can get it in the tightening. Not wanted, especially in the first few weeks we were in Netflix. If we are not necessarily about it, the first defense of you, and the first resistance to you.

What happened after the competition: “So we don’t go to the curtains. So I didn’t want to get them down. Was in view. ‘Jeddy Backstage broke down.’ They were caught a photo of my legs in the entrance. But I had to catch my breath. It is not a complete collapse. “

Rko in wargats: “Yes, it was a idea. I was going to Munezolot from the cage, ‘I said,’ I said, ‘I said. They think you can do it safe? I think you should get it up and see how to bury and see how to bury and see a game. Put the hands on our back and take the flat crash mat. In the end, I will get to each other and the second coir. Doing. I thought about that milk I took, I’m okay and do it as it was. Place your hands behind and leave your head for him, yes, yes, thank God.

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