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Gcw “so funny”
Turned on Tall TV +
March 16, 2025 Atlantic City and New Jersey Show Bottle
This is the second day with the show in the venue. I did not agree to the first three matches of the show – three bloody matches and a very unpleasant intergender competition really turned out. Let’s see how the show is going on!
* The crowd is once in 300 ranges – a good number in a Sunday afternoon; Two small days i watched two of the crowd. Fugo Del Se and Emil Jai were interpreted as we started.
1. Austin Louk vs. Baby Flaces Baby Flacko Verses Gringo Versis Charles Mason vs.. There are many skills including WED prospects cart wheel and matures. The mason and the faster affected by the faster. The fl or looked in a style in a style. Jack hit a Huranakarana in LOCO. Mason cart wheel stomach beaten and upper rope. Mason at 3:30 at 3:30 at the top rope crosbody, then a blue lightning. Mators struck a double-day in flako. Luke was beaten a tower in the London. Good combo move. High artillery cannon to everyone on the floor.
LOCO is a top rope spanish fly in the mators and then dive a flip to everyone on the floor. Cart wheel beat on the floor on the floor and then a skill in a Top RocksCro shooting starmers. On the 6:30 at 6:30 at Flaca, the mathers won a kip-up style, suddenly. It is a star path to open the show. Loko and matmers got up the trash. Mason a Canadian Destroir Lock. His crucipix driver knocks up the cartwel in Loko. Matarmar affected a Canadian Distrore in Jack. Mason hit a beach brake driver and hit the flako. Mators splashed 450. Luke went to the top rope but lockro was cut off. The poojo did the Loko Top Rope Power Bombam to pin Bombay a top rop power bomb. Gcw has a big scrumple and it was the top-tier.
Harin Loko, Marcus Mathereco, Bobby Flaco, Charles Mason’s Mason and Jack Cart Wheel were defeated at 10:22.
* Sciented a highlight package showing on Saturday.
2. Tyler Francs vs. Tony Depin. Fugo said Fugo was in the southern part of the US, appeared in the new south; I saw him, but don’t remember him. He is white with a small crew and he is a heels. They roll immediately; Both of these are heels. Hit a dropkick tilor sent to the floor. In the ring, the franks hit a back sepleux, and then drowning a rope through 2:30. In the ring, franks are a twisted neckbraker for a group. Franks put Deepe in his shoulders and transferred to a powerbump to an eviction. Sensen Franks have sewed a jumping knee and then hit a German zipley at 5:00 at a German. When the Rafen released from Rafen, Depen hit a low blow amount, then the rear knocked on a knee. They got a lot for the given time.
Tony Vepen defeated Tyler Francs on 5:51.
3. SAIDA Steel VS Hunter Drake in an intergender match. Long-haired High-Floor Drake was on Saturday on Saturday; The fuggo incorrectly said that the Hunter did not contest. I didn’t like the intergender match on Saturday, but at least she is close to Scronchi Demon. She struck him to the face. The hunter hit a dropkick and bucks a dropkick, the Hondon hit a corner to a corner of them. He realized that they are going to hit a racer’s ending on the floor and she escaped to the crowd, but she was moved to the ring post. In the ring, she is in charge and hit the face and ate 2:00 at 2:00.
The hunter was beaten on the floor on her floor and boots. She drowned a lung bow down while entering the sea for a capability. He hit the run pressing star press. She gone to a hurricane dedt but he blocked it on 5:00. She has bruised him, he fell and cut himself on top of the upper rope. Then she won a second rop code red, the PN is invisible. It was better than her match with Deepein; Once he never clocked her with a wrist strike.
SAIDA Steel failed Hunter Drake on 5:55.
4. Matha Slamovich vs. Matthew for the Jessesl Weld Title. It was available today if it is on Saturday. She had her TNA knockings title with her. She struck an an inopo kick with a hulluh kick; He issued a mafia face. A dressline sent to the floor, so she will sink twist through the ropes on 1:00. Fasted first moment! He’s hard to her (not folding her!) The chairs, he makes her a stake! They were struggling on the floor. She shot justice to the lines of chairs, she was thrown a chair on 3:30! She found chairs to fold some metal, and whipped them in him and their whipped them.
Justice Mashtha’s back to chairs because the fight continues to the floor. Modi rolled into rong. He threw into a ladder ring, it struck her at 5:30 and then he threw doors to her. She hit him in an open chair, got a skill. She hit him several times with a staircase. From a righteous case, from a just case of a righteous case, there are two doors for a good skill. It was quite a fully bundle. Masha nailed the mouths on the corner and then knocked on his face for a reliable ability. She was clocked on top of the head with a chair, then the White Night driver / pin for pin. A hirs I can do without chairshots without chairshots but I liked this hardcore activity.
Matthew defeated Matthew Justice Justice Justice Justice to maintain Jesaids World Title.
5. “Gayas price” lack of lack of lack of lack of lack of lack of lack of lack of lack of lack of lack Short and muscular Bani team have been a few months since I met; They could not turn their faces yellow and black and never swept them away. (What did they have done exactly what they have done to achieve a title shot?) Fugo said they were in a tag team for 15 years! The price opened and traded the shoulder tackles with the opponent, Alek hit a springboard crossboard crossboard. Call climbed and shone with a bani. (With their makeup and which one is that?
Badiri extended and affected a poisonous rana and leap in 7:30, but the price loft to reduce inflation. Tap on the price opposite the price opposite in each batti. The price breaks down on the floor, and then they hit the graves (Badiri affected a bother. This team has really begun to click. Good match.
Alecu Price and Call Radu will defeated Codama and Obium to maintain the titles at 9:50.
* Bani told me the price of Mike was two tough gravehines I met in my life. He praised the champions. He is sick Violence is everSaturday attacked them again. Call Mike taken and challenged to rebuild on March 29 in Chicago.
* Richard Holiday Came up and went loudly and hot. He said he knew that the fans have lost him in the absence of him. He said that match was canceled tonight! He cried out ComplaintHe who came to the ring in his gear. Holiday was surprised to him that the stream steppened was killed and lighter. He’s his finger’s chest. Paro (who is publicly gay;
6. Richard Holiday Vs. Palo. They hit some punch and a choculation with a choculation! If GBBLU is the fastest competition in history, it was thought to have thought that!
Defeated the parroarard holiday Holiday 0:33.
7. Hoodfoot vs. Jimmy Lloyd Verses Cyclop vs. Slaud vs. Death of John Wayne Murdoch. Jimmy brought a box of young tubes. Murdok pulled out a weed walker! Reduced Back in light blue scrubs, and a waste of him was able to have a waste. Again, it’s not a thing of my match. There is no need to say that the ring is faster in the debris in light. In the hoodfoot that was within a waste to pinpass it was affected by a frog.
Defeated Hoodfoot, Jimmy Lloyd, Cyclop, Slade and John Wayne Murdock.
7. Terry Yaki, Jai Lucas vs. Atticus Atticus Atticus Atticus Kogar, Otice Cogar. I am wondering that the match is done after the death of death. Cogars attacked to open. The block of a crossboard in Yakki was beaten on a crossboard in Yakki and they worked in their corner. Lucas got hot tag and struck some clothes lines. Beat Jai A Crossboard Block 5:00. Mr. Danger After his death of his death match, he was accused of his death. Yaki struck a flip dive to the floor. A cotton from a black hole in Otis Yakki at 6:30 pm. A team moved the stunner in the coger yakki for a reliable ability. Lucas flip drew on the floor.
Lucus and Yaki have gained a team. Yaki went to the floor to a sink of a soring, but Atis was attached him to the head with a chair. Soon after the Atticus Brains Title in Lucas (Snapmire Driver) in Lucas. Mr. accident took to pick up a rope from Atticus. Fugigo Del Soul ran Fugo Del Sol to make saves and caught bail. Is this right? I guess so.
Terry Yaki, Jai Lukas Verses and ATicus Cogar and Otis Cojare were 10:00.
* To a Deathmatch in St. Louis, Fugo challenges militant to challenge the quickly approved Aotis. Fugo replied to Fugo Foago and Atticus
8. Matt tremund versons GBSbuthy Altavan title. Beatman is a keeper looking like wwe vwer ivar, he bears a big bone to the ring. The young tubes and the barbed-wire board and they made each other. The triment hit the lit tubes on a frog and hit the lights on the breast tubes. Not the method of my match.
The Matt tremont beat Beatman to maintain the GBIBLU Ultraviolent title at 12:11.
Final thoughts: My thoughts are similar to Saturday’s show – if I liked wrestling I don’t see gcw. I don’t see a show to bash it. I loved the Jersey Cup and I gave up to the big thumbs until the West coast for two weeks ago. But it was less. I will give the best match again for the flashing show-opening firing and tag match. I guess I will go to Massha-Justice for the third.
Again, the Saida-Hunter competition did not distinguish myself as saida-deped. The hunter is lacking her weight and he didn’t strike her with a severe wrist, so it was not violent violent. Don’t do anything wrong, I don’t think Depa-lord lord will hurt Saida; I am sure that he is absolutely good and without escaping from that rebellion, but it looked violently. So, the saida-hunter was great … why is the sahaida vs. Mashache? This show streamed in Triller +.
End thoughts: Again, the Saida-Hunter competition did not distinguish myself as saida-deped. The hunter is small and intimate and intimate, and he did not beat her with a hard wrist. Don’t do anything wrong, I don’t think Depa-lord lord will hurt Saida; I am sure that he is absolutely good and without escaping from that rebellion, but it looked violently. So, the saida-hunter was great … why is the sahaida vs. Mashache?