Do Ria Ratni mark the title match contract for Restania? Dakota Ki Nile

Ria Reply She was not confirmed by signing the contract of a wrestiant mania.

There was a contract signed between the Robbil, Belgium, Women World Champion Iio Sky Biana Beller The 41 matches of their gesture is next month. The rept was interrupted in the signing and traded words. The contract signed list was issued to Blesser with the headbutt. Bombored to the sky to the Ripley Power License.

Ratni argues with the Backstage, Adam Pier. Pierce did not agree to be Rerassian before claiming and the sky appear in the matching match and the Backstage appears.

Raw, Dakota hand Avy Nile took over. The American constructed and Elga focused her attention. This led to KAI to fail.

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