If you have read my columns before, I know what my main topic of this week will come to you. Unfortunately, I handle the headers such as migraine, it’s a long time in the week, it changed me from my computer. I didn’t get time to write about a “important subject” but I wanted to get something, so it’s only power ranking this week.
I’d like to see a doctor this week, because I ever get any kind of headaches, let me give me migraines that came down for a day. Hope it will bring back to a normal week, but we will see, I will.
Now, let’s get involved in my power rankings and look back in that week.
Weekly Power ranking
Chief Minister Share vs Seth roleins: Only people engaged in stories know the whole extent of things, but the amount of hatred is returned to WWE, is the epic. This creates all the matches, each promo, means that every moment mean. If I don’t need to be, both of these people will go to the wrestrian (after which), it is no doubt that it will drink hell from me.
Giulia vs Stephanie WuckerThe biggest independent agent signs a real “big struggle” in a recent NXT history. It is shameful that gialia is injured and involves injury to the report for a while. We don’t see these two square offer, and I would like to drive it back.
The universe vs Gun: It was a beautiful surprise to meet his debut in front of Spain of Spain. No one should think the planet is going to be defeated in an al-title format, but the fans of Barcelona do not appear to be the memo. They were on the edges of their seating for everyone nearby. Gunter, to his credit, helped to look like a bum like a bum. The withdrawal of this is difficult.
Theater in MSG: Madison square guard has had a million shows in Garden, this is always a great show. Theater, actually Madison Square Garden is a very beautiful platform, which is a beautiful stage, which is a beautiful stage, which is a beautiful stage, which is the best of the NTA’s episode. This is not the largest venue in the world but I still like to see it more in the future.
Katsuri Shibeta Vs RikechetThe last time the last time was in a match, the Tenth of Man Tag match for the last Japan. For multiple reasons, it looked like it’s never to see, but I’m glad that it happened. Say whatever you want to running the richet’s heel in AUV … forever, ever, ever, sometime, ever, ever, or one way, but in a way, but he’s on fire. He gives wrestling with a real chip since he does not give the real opportunities to do so in the way to do so.
Hardys vs Fraxim: Matt, Jeff Hardy continues to be their nostalgia run, and all they want to see. The best tag of the world today is the first time, Nathan shows the frozer and accord to show that the best tag team was the first time. A joke, war with a “period of time”.
Jevon evans vs Ethon page: This fide is really well done and helped benefit both men. Eyan Page had a chance to show a triggered aspect of his behavior, and when so, it was allowed to show that not all the smile. I think he will be very carefully on the verge of a title contestant to be a title contestant.
Roman reigns: When Roman shows it is very big. His presence was interesting when he saw him in the role of Chief Minister Shallens. As I said, I’m still not a trip in wrestlife, but I’m sure they will be a trip to each other, so I will enjoy watching it.
“SPEEDBALL” Mike Bailey VS.: SPEEDBBALL ALITH TARE IN REPORTER WHO AV AV AVAIGHT TO DIFFERENT HEARS. His arrival here was no surprise but it is good. They don’t have to be always. I hope to be eagerly with his future company.
Diy vs street profitBecause of the proprietary monopoline, the tag team headers were in the headlines, the Angelo dockins and the Angelelo dockins were in four years. That’s crazy to me. They are out of date for a long time and it is a good idea to have another chance to be above the tag division.
Obrah Femi vs mose: I will not be placed on the other matches of Obra Femi’s other matches, but it was a lot of fun. However it was a lot of fun. It is amazing to see how far dage in short-time. I continue to say that, but the sky is a limit. We may be in the ground to see something very special with him.
Randi Orton VS Carmo Hays: Every match and carmolo hair seems to have lost all the matches and carmolo hais. As I said about Geven Evans, I think that there is a lot to exploit the one and the end of the Restonia season is ended. The title in the United States should be a key player.
Ftr vs roderick bodern & kiylly: Their first competition was really good, their second match was really good. Now, the “rubber contest” between two teams is equipped with things, if it is not really good and I will smite. Sometimes it is very simple.
Rai Misto & Dragon Lee VS. Coffee Kingston & Xavier Woods: I’m still disappointed by the heel for coffee and wooden, but after it was down to such a great start, but they take a success. Of course, it was a distraction of attention, but it was still a success. They are in a successful success in television, it is the thing of time before they arrive after war rides and their world tag team titles.
The complete lack of self-awareness: WINS ROSZO, WINSE PASSON PEOPLE, the giant people who can engage in wrestling business have recently informed the news so that Paul Himman became a promo man. Executs m? വിൻസ് ബ്രോ റസ്സോ ബ്രക്കോ, ബ്രോ ആരെയെങ്കിലും വിളിക്കുന്നു ബ്രോ വൺ ബ്രോ ഡൈമെൻഷണൽ ബ്രോ ബ്രോ ഫക്കിംഗ് ബ്രോ ഭ്രാന്തൻ. This is like a lack of self-awareness as you see. Absolutely incredible. A dimension is still four measures than women.
Playlist this week: Slim Tung, Cambia … “Slim Thagrie, Cambria …” T & Kendrik Lamar … In “My Mind, Creator Pussi T & Kendrik Lammer … Writing Saint Wood Mac …” Dreams “