“Bio Pro Bowl” (3/9): Matt Tavin Verses Julius Drawer, Pedro Deeds Devs Truck Loselin vs.

By Cris Water, Provincers (@ swisvetter73)

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“Bio Pro vessel” beyond
Available by replay Freereverely TV
March 9, 2025 West Bolston and School Massachusetts

This show was released on Thursday on Thursday. Bio Pro is their wrestling Academy. It said it was almost known almost every name in this show, so the people who commit their debut have not full.

* The venue is a large factory building, which may be a field of field because it is great; The crowd is spread, and here is 200 to sit. In the western half of the Western half of the West Bolston Warsester, the north side is in the north. Ruffer Robinson, Joy T. Provided; They said they did not know all the coming matches.

1. Az, Jai Evans vs. Caberal and Boston Dan. Rafa is only wrestler / training Thomas Santal. This is considered a spotlight competition, I don’t know this four. This match is not listed in the IWV line. AZ is really tall, and probably 6’5. “Evans are flag. The Botton is stolen in the mat. The Boston Dan won a hot tag and then the pin will be a roller.

Dani Caberal and Boston Dan defeated Esa and Jai Ewans at 4:03.

2. Jermain Marbery (W / Benny The Benketball) vs. Jai Tunis. I don’t know Jay but he must have been associated with hammer tunes. He was wearing a lighting pair of sunglasses and jacket, and he was boated. Tunis base Black Pant wore a single (as if wearing the menns). They played into the crowd until they attack Tunies. Marbari hit his Euros neck break in 2: 30. Tunice beat him with a chinlock, rocked a steep for a spine. Marbery hit a frog to pinpass. Is honorable.

Jermain Marbury defeated Jai Tunis 6:02.

3. Changing Thomas vs. Sarwse. Crunning is a newly turned babifase; Interpreters agreed that they suspect his purposes. Conway is height and thick, five or more matches that are now open and now, he is a heels. Thomas affects a fireman and connected to the mat. In a body of 3: 00 in a bodieslam and the elbows. The travel hand worked and kept in the Channing Ground. Some of the forearts struggled by chains, and a fisherman for a fisherman for 7:00. He applied Texas Cloverlaff, put on the bottom rear of the ozs, and the rain is quickly taped. Gentile; I still feel a shaking a shaking.

The driving Thomas defeated the rains working at 7:52.

4. Livia vs. Little average Kathleen. Levia is the beautiful woman who really attracted me; I wish her height and overall sizes in the small LMK. LMK Backs in 1:30 at 1:30 pm and she choked Livia. She lost a moons. Livia expels Livia and a flapjack, beat a spear on 4:00. LMK driven to the Cappelos to the mat. The LMK affected a fisherman from one place. Better for the time provided.

A little means at 4:37 defeated Kathleen Livia.

5. TJ Crawford and Love, Doug vs. Handyman “Handyman” Jake Gray, Eric Chat. Like a week or long ago, jagged and grayed the same handyman dressed, both carried the ringside of the ring. Doug and TJ shakes hands with opponents but attacked from behind. The heel immediately got into the branch into their corner and worked him. Jake worked on the left hand of the Doug, “it was demolished. On the base and corner of the heel jack. On 6:30 pm.

Arrived every heels and everywhere. A group of fucking shot is a cotton on a cedaram. A bottle is beaten jack in a spear and allows you to get a roller for a skill. Doug Babefaces rejected each other. TJ immediately hit Handiman a “silver arrow” (Falcon arrow. The decent match.

TJ Crawford, Love, Jake Gray and Eric Chapery defeated 9:44.

6. DJ powers vs. Brand Lee. From Moriatte or Caprises Coleman, I was comparing Johnny Morrison and Brawn to both of them. DJ struck a dropkick and temporarily stopped, and boated. Lee hit some deep arms outlets and his own dropkick. This is sharp and we opened. Lee has been affected by a tent at 2:00. A dues affected DJ with a snap sepefs. Lee some steamboo-style groups, an aircraft spin, an aircraft spin, a forelayed at a prior to 5 o’clock.

Lee lost a rolling cannons. A superkeyk and German Seputhex affected DJ for a skill. DJ claws the nail to reduce a capacity across a Tarogesplash ring. They trading rolls; DJ turns back, grabbed the ropes for leverage added and won the cheapin. I liked it.

Dead Peass Brobe Lee on 7:02.

* Changing Thomas came out from behind, DJ was thrown back to ring, so Lee can hit another move.

7. Bio Blits. Ring Inskar Lauren St. James Rules The eight-person seems to be the eight-person romble. My guess is that all of these will be a new face to me. Aro Nelli As the number is 1, he is a black man in red. Brian Parordodox He looks like a brio-li type because it was number 2. Prompted in promotter drew coordiri. Dr. Nate Ridic Was number 3. Donny Staxx Number 4; I saw him before I saw him, he can compare Dante Mart. Preston hintSlightly dressed, no 5; Cortiro said it was his first match. John Steel 12, black and orange trunks. Dumped to kill. A thick Alan Beto Number 7; He is old – if he will be under 30 years old, I will be shocked.

Beto grabbed the two men in the throat and dumped. He had steel and rdic. He dumped Ridsi and then steel. So, it is just rice and rice. The Beto was tossed. But we had only seven boys, so who is the last? That Johnny Rivera; When opened in wrestling, he wrote several times. They were strikeed for the forearms; These are the eighth and thicker in this match. Reverry finally cut off to win. Yes, both of the two people I met before, in six new ones, Nelly had a clear stan out.

Johnny won Rivara at 10:32 am.

8. Bret Rain Goselin vs. Brett Hottro. BRG was his black, hairy coat. The blue of the metro is wearing black gear and it is better than his ugly Green Singlet. They rolled back to the shoulder tackles and BRG soon. Metro hit some hip toss and an aircraft spin. Press the Brag running bakbuck elbows. Top Coir has thrown the Metro Top Coir at 5:00 Is honorable.

Brete Ryan Goseline defeated bread hotsel on 7:06.

9. Pedro vs. Energy Black Jack Pascawal dates. EBJ clearly, a good strategy has provided a good strategy to open the reflected wristling. Cordoro noticed, it will be a Babyface Matchup. Good reversals to open. Downs hit a pic sepublic for a skill for a talent. Beat Pascerves for a skill and a spear and a spear and a spear. The drop has affected the DOPOVOOVOOVOOVOOVOOVOOVOOVOOVOOVOVOOVOOVOOVOOTHOVOOTHOOVOOVOOVOOVOOTHOOVOOTO. But Passkwal hooks and got the flash pin. When it lasts is respectful.

Energy Black Jack failed Pedro Domes 5:11.

10. “Inturia” Matt Tavin vs. Julius Drolger. The previous NXT wrestling benefin Simon Chandram remind me. He is a heels. Tanu “Taiwan” to reckless whispers, “he danced with a girl in the crowd, and he was oxin in the ring. “We’re going out of the rails!” Cordiro yelled with laughter. Drawger is always critical, but also angry in Thawan’s shenanigans. Cordkero spoke early to Taven’s workout session with trains. Intensive locate and a feeling process, and left handed. Tavellen hit a tent in 4:00.

Tavellen was celebrated and celebrated and celebrated and celebrated and celebrated his hip, and clearly enjoyed it. Drigerar was a ran, then some hard chops. Tailen rubbed on his chest. The Panchager is open on the Taven forehead! Cordore surprised if this match can stay with that hard root blood. However, Taven was immediately knocking into a hard tense and won the back. To get a good measure, he added once and I think one is beautiful. It went from entertainment to worry about two heart rate.

Matt Tokan Julius beat Dogir at 8:34.

* The crowd sat strange and became respectfully, as Taaven was written. Lauren gave him a mic a meak and gave a towel to clean. “I’m not a bloodal,” said Mike On. Hop and hit the Taven on Love, Doug and TJ Crawherd Hope! It brought some students to save.

Final thoughts: Yes, it was endless. Tawen is open, and he lost the cold; I don’t think that is a planned completion. A fun show. The opening opening match and rumbs were on the new boys, but there is a lot of ring time to the other rookies in the lineup. Some veterans and ruford matched the updrel with the Dorough and Cropord.

There is a lot to wrestitial and their school. I like this building. I don’t know if they rent all the 24/7 and gets 24/7 but it’s a great space. They should show more there.

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