AEU Dynamite, WWE Development, Last week AUV TV polls, Tychi, Mat Sidal, Jimmy Havi, Rick McGri, Caspaper Jr.

Jason Powell, PRRESTLY.NET Editor (@ppownnetnet)

– Liberty First Credit Union Credit Union Arena will live by dynamite from Nebraska. Displaying John Mexly verses play an street fight for AViva World Championships. Jake Born on Jake Barnne is a night holiday, join me for our weekly real-real-time review with the TBS and maximum 7 sex / 8 e. The same night audio review will be available only for dot at the dot (including our Patrave Patrons).

We investigate the reports in the AU Domanamite Omaha tonight. If you want to help if you are this show or another event, send me a note in

Collecting streams in the tube in 7CT / 8.

In our post show vote, we got F grade in our post-polls – from our post shot. The C scored 25% of the votes in second. I gave the dynamite C grade for display to the revolution.

-I gave me a C Grade for Saturday Collidation on Saturday.

Birthdays and impressive

-Ccot case is 78.

-Recker WE Referee Jimmy Cuddes 63.

-Tachi (Tychoro Makki) is 44.

-Mat Southern (Mat Cork) is 42.

-Jammi Havok (James Mcwahre) 41.

-Jan Mendies-Brooks) is 38.

Late Rick McGro was born on March 1955. On November 1, 1985, he died of heart attack.

On March 19, 2009, he was born on March 19, the Lani Kinner Jr. On January 13, 2009, he died at the age of 48 following a heart attack. He is mature.

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