Electricity authorized vehicles will not be in the ground soon, in terms of biomina research in Canada.
In the Ontario, researchers at the waterlou University, researchers in the waterlou University, researchers of Vellice Elix Electro, a Small E-Plane Test Velisk Elix Electrog, a small e-plate.
The team is teaming tests in e-plain batteries to see how well they can face in a plane and weather. They also test the capacity of e-plain for short-distance journey.
“We were flying to the Grand River
He said he forgot about the oddest nature of an aircraftless plane.
A ‘sll’ approach to battery test
Pia, said his team was using the “very slow approach” to try the Welcom Electro’s batteries. “
“We started and started when the batteries of electrical aircraft are on the ground, and they started, and when they were on the ground,” he said.
Pyria and his team conducted circuits conducted circuits of circuits, trying to try the animal until pilots reach 305 meters and take some circuits. Pia was said that the circits repeat seven times.
The team carries high air exercises through intercity test flights and testing the capacity of batteries.
“We started to go to Gelf and returned with a charges with a charges,” he said. “We have installed a charger in Brandford. From here, the brandford is charged, and return again.” We have returned to almost 60%. ”
E-aircraft for pilot training
Sucked Taylor is the flight instructor in WWFC of Wells Electro for pilot training. He told the interview that the moment is to hold e-pluml.
He said that when the e-plane fly for lessons, “No dellie-alignment, you should not double the texts because of the capacity limitations of the battery.”
“You stick to one item at a time, always (be) the time where the lease is left in the battery.”
Pyria said that the abundance of e-plain can rely on many factors to rely on many factors, including a battery reserve in the battery reserve.
“The flight can fly from 45 to 50 minutes, can fly the reserve up to 10 to 15 minutes, which can translate up to 200 km.”
E-Plane batteries need to be charged after each aircraft, but Taylor does not see this as a problem for flight instructors.

“If you are teaching a lesson, pull on the plane, pull an eye on the plane, then keep it an eye, and then you can invite students,” he said.
“When it goes, theoretically can be short with your next students. When you’re ready to go, your plane can be ready to go.”
‘99% emission free flights’: the researcher
Openal vehicles firmly for traditional and for gas-power vehicles. Pieria said that the same is similar to e-aircraft.
“Actually (mine is) is an eager, the flights of the batteries are out of charging batteries, which depends on the grid you charge on the battery.”
Piata said the electric grid of the nuclear, reticious and gas sources is very clean. “With the cost of some way charging time, we can even enter Emission-free flight.”
Piam’s team is waiting to check the Velex Electro’s battery in various weather conditions.
“Now we do not have permission to run the plane at the temperature below zero,” he said. “Based on” Pilot Operational Handbook (P), the temperature of the Welice Electric temperature range limit is up to 35c. “
Pealyia said the battery was tried at high temperatures at this time, but the battery is 11 to 50 c.
“The cooling system stable was stable by the Cooling system that was formed and battery temperature.”
E-plans are already in use
Other companies that show interest in operation or interest in technology using e-plans.

CBC News in 2022 Reported in Harbor AirIts first directive point-to-point of the two-point test is 74 km away, 74 km from 24 minutes in 24 minutes.
“Technology is now there,” Piriys. He also referred to the Air Canada signed by the Agreement to acquire Es30s – an hybrid, 30-passenger plane.
In the indilit for possible commercial use, CBC arrived to Canada News Air For Canada.
A representative from Air Canada to the CBC News in an email is still commercially and not to develop this electric planning.
How to decide to deploy what E-Plans are still a few years away from service. “
“I really enjoy it,” Taylor said. “This plane is a small limited to us … it is only one thing to progress that technology.”
At the time of pilot training, the e-plans are currently tested for use, but the Tiruni said the e-air was approved in the next stage.
“The next thing the next thing is covered by local places,” he said.
“That will be the future.”