A political storm makes in India, the first waves that hit the country in the southern part of the country.
Leaders call the mass collection to protect a heated controversy to reflect a hottest controversy in the population over time.
High shares in Push, they persuade the citizens “There are more children”Used Meetings and media campaigns To increase their message: The process of the delimitation can change the balance.
MK Stalin, one of the five southern states of India, says MK Stalin, the Prime Minister of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling party party (BJP) says the Prime Minister Narendra Modi (BJP).
These five states are 21% of India’s 1.4 billion people. And they Dismiss The rest of health, education and economic potential. Demographic growth rate, a child is less likely to be born here.
Their leaders are afraid of a “punishment” to create more riches and create more riches in the south.
The Constitution of India is to allow the seats to each state with about equal sized segments. The updated demographic figures need to be allowed after each census reflecting data.
Redruu Parliamentary seats are three times in 1951, 1971, 1971. Representation was afraid of the imbalance because of fertility rates throughout the states.
The next delimitation exercise is set for 2026 but uncertainty India has not made a census of India since 2011Without a clear timeline to walk.
The stage is set to potential crisis. India is accused of allegation of Tamil Nadu Federal Deadlock“Senior Fellow and Yamini Iyer in Brown University says
The number of seats in the Lok Sabha – the lower house of parliament – the lowest house represents the selected MPs. Despite the increasing population of India since 1971, the number of Lok Sabha seats was not added to any new seats.
In 1951, each MP represented more than 700,000 people. Today, the number increased to 2.5 million – the average number of millions of the US representative representative represents a three-fold. Compared, a UK MP represents about 120,000 people.
Experts say all Indians are defending – even if not equal – because of the same. (Real Constitution over a MP for 750,000 people)
That’s not all. The George Mason has the economist of the George Mason in the University of Census data and demographics Highlighted “Severe Insert” – Uneven supply of political representation – in India.
Consider it. In Uttar Pradesh, the most populous state in Uttar Pradesh, is the most populous state in Uttar Pradesh, which represents three million citizens.
In the meantime fertility rates are similar to many European countries, one MP represents approximately 1.75 million.
This means there is 1.7 times more influential than the average voters in Kerala in the south.

Nine seats are more than six seats and nine seats than the population have nine seats than the population have nine seats nine seats. (Delimitation in 2026, Tamil Nadu warns eight seats to lose eight seats.)
By 2031, the problem will be less than 2031, UP and Bihar population will be less than 11 seats, and other states said “MS Rajagopalan.”
“The result,” she says, “India does not live for the basic constitutionality of ‘One-Votet.” To mean this principle, the constituency sizes should be approximately equal.
Experts have suggested many solutions, many people need a strong bipartisan consensus.
An option is to increase the number of the lower household seats.
In other words, every 750,000 people develop Lok Sabha to 1,872 should be returned to the original constitutional proportion of India. (The new parliament building has capacity for 880 seats, so it requires an important upgrade.)
Another option is to increase the number of the total seats of the Lok Sabha’s total seats – the number of seated in the Lok Sabha should be 848.

With the MS Rajagopalan lawyer, experts like the MS Rajagopalan lawyer for more decentralized fiscal system.
In this model, the states will increase more revenue and maintain their income. Federal funds will be allocated based on development needs. Currently, the states are only available than 40% of the total revenue, but spends 60% and spend the remaining central government.
The third solution is to modify the structure of the upper house of parliament. The interests of countries representing the interests of the states, allowing the population in proportional to the seats and over 250.
Local parties, the country legislatures, are directly public. The admiration approach is the endowment suggestion of Milan Vaishnav for peace Solve the number of seats in the upper houseIs similar to the US Senate.
“The upper house changing the upper house to make a true home on the interests of the states will affect the opposition to pay the seats in low household seats,” he argues.

There are other suggestions that divide the Big States – India’s top five states have 45% of the total seats.
Bangalore-based Monk-Tank, Quotes As an example of how large the large states raise. The role of UP in India is currently 14%. He estimates that it will rise to 16% after the explanation, “lets keep politically influential politically and illegal. The dividing above will help things.
Now, the anxiety southern leaders – political politics through the Tamil Nadu election – Join joins The opponents of Punjab To ask the government to maintain current seats and urge the government for the next 30 years. In other way, it is a call and saves status Qo.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has made a significant statement so far. Home Minister Amit Shah claimed that the southern states will not lose even a single seat in the upcoming fulfillment Controversial Education Policy Increased Divisions.
Police Sas Sas Sas Sas Sas Sus Sabulary Warning says that the role of the north-south and threatening India’s federal structure. The North-South Prism will move the North-South Price to make people a serious.
He believes that the size of the Lok Sabha is developed and ensuring that the current power is not lost “Politically wise step”But “the idea of democracy will be rich in the Indian context.” Balanging representation will be the key to protecting the federal spirit of India’s dressed federal spirits.