On March 7, March 7, March 7, March 7, March 7, March 7, March 7, on Friday, the rallies and marches for France. Conversation It is committed from the beginning to support the research onwards.
Was recognized as March 7The day that stands for the science movement“In response to the anti-Indian regime, the second has increased in 2017. Attacks increased to the system of scientists and scientific investigation into the system of science and science strategy.
Although Donald Trump is often misplaced, his policies in the region followed a permanent path. His new rule has been declared “War” in the National Poleciaming of Evidence Scientification of Science Policy in Foreign Foreign. As soon as the office was taken, Trump Executive Orders gave billions of millions of billions in freezing or research financial assistance.
All National Science Foundation Projects The suspension has been stopped and maintains suspensions under the health and human service instructions. The US withdrawn The weather indicates an important guidelines in the global health diplomacy. Federal Agencies and Universities are in turbulence, thousands of research professionals are politically leading Funding freeze. March 2025 March federal Research funding restoration and the government census and political intervention in science.
The US is a scientific superpower in the world
Trump Administration is not the only power of the globe, especially impressive The world’s leading scientific super power. Moreover, the developments in the United States are often caused by the fruit of ripening effect.
The best two scientific superopovers in the world – Washington, Beijing – Champion Academic Independence. ChinaThe liberal constitutional tradition was defeated from 1920 to 1920 to 1920 to 1920 to 1920 to 1920 to 1920 academic freedom. This opponent was caught between scientific giants – partners and opponents – the only actors capable of establishing new standards for academic freedom.
Nobel Prize for Academic Freedom
The crucial stage for peace and scientific committee of playing the fundamental role of academic freedom.
In the last decade, Scholars in the Risk Association In the Academic freedom, academic freedom recorded a broad global collapse in academic freedom to report in the report. The 2024 Edition Highlights are particularly in 18 countries and areas (including the United States) and 391 attacks in a year.
Data from Academic freedom index In Berlin, in Berlin lives in half of the world’s population, in Berlin. The most commonly of the conditions is to reach the scientific ecosystems such as Turkey, Brazil, Egypt, South Africa and Saudi Arabia. The overall trend is expensive: 10 different democratic regimes affects only 10 in 179 countries.
In comparison to the rest of the world, the European Union rose relatively in the UN. However, nine European Union-country-state countries, in eight, the last decade, decreased in the last decade. Hungary is the lowest level of the EU countries in the lowest level of the world.
Recent laws Autoinial Autoinial Autoinial is more weakened by the University Autoinial, the economic autonomy in Austria, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Slovakia. Organizational autonomy in Slovenia, Estonia and Denmark Staffing autonomy in Croatia and Slovakia; Denmark and Estonia’s academic autonomy. Moreover, The first report of the European Parliament of Academic Independence (2023) Growing threats in France – political, educational, socialism – affecting freedom of research and teaching.
Academic freedom is a certain right to provide a little for the benefit of everyone
Freedom of freedom, the base pillars of academic freedom, the basis of centuries and centuries of centuries and dictatorship control. In contrast, academic freedom, the academic freedom is a more recent principle, scholars – approved and educated freely in search of knowledge. This is the right that journalists are given to the benefit of everyone for everyone’s benefit.
Rooted in medieval Europe, Academic freedom Authorized Latin students in international rights frameworks have evolved from a privilege for students. In the late 18th and early 19th century, the measurement of a collective, determination of the modern university is up. Wilhelm Von Humboldt, Berlin (1810) The founder of the modern general university, the concept of ‘Vicanschafzifrehit ” The Weelmer Constitution of 1919“Art, science and education declared independent.” At the same time rebuilt the rise of American universities, “the professional academic freedom” rose. It is forced in the American Association of University Professors 1915 pronouns of the academic freedom and term of durationDetermined the preliminary duty of the scholar to seek and establish the truth. Although its roots in Germany, the freedom is ultimately a corner of the American academic lecture.
In the United States, academic freedom attracts a lot of sources, its protection, its protection, customs, institutional activities and state of higher education activities. However, the US Supreme Court rulings gradually overcome its constitutional base, especially after the McCarthi period, the first amendment is requested. Landmark cases such as Adler vs Board Education (1952), Wayan vs displayf (1952), and Sweeces vs New Hampshire (1957) helped to establish a constitutional theory of the academic freedom. Finally, Key-VS Board of Regent .
Interestingly, American interpretation of academic freedom is currently more controlifications than the German model. Article 5 (3) in the Basic Religion of 1989 A common organization essential to adopt the necessary public organization to protect the space of freedom. On the contrary, to emphasize the US ban on US ban and give the rights of institutional autonomy.
‘The right to be wrong’
In spite of the local variations, the academic freedom is fundamental, holding up the freedom of the carcase, logical and pluralism. It involves the real “wrong” – the idea that a scientific opinion may be wrong or will reduce its conservation. This is quite different differently WatchThe scientific or techno-nationalist approach is seen as a tool for pre-determined truth and the lakh of the pre-determined truth and the lakh domination. The dictatorial science that leads to electricity interests, tries to reduce the role of religion, trying to reduce the role of religion. This rejects inter-disruption to inter-disruption, especially regarded, but also oriented to the delicious tech-utoptian statement model that has been taken into the insurgent and disagreed.
(In 1945, we have committed to an unquestionable structure from the 1945, we are not subject to resistance to the ‘Kannatics Freedom of the Teacherians “Nobel The first time in its history was accepted by the Peace Prize, Academic Independence.
Nobel Prize Committees for Science and Peace Sharing the responsibility of holding basic and democratic values to hold up Scholars like scholars around the world, students are unique in science to strengthen the importance of civil societies. From 1950 to 90% Nobel Prize Prizes In the scientific areas, the IV League research institutions were US citizens and studied.
Although some US scientists compete in the court, the trump administration will stand in the academic academic academic academically in resisting monunnel. To strengthen their efforts, they need support for Nobel Prize Committees.
Steeanee calme Director, Seri (International Research Center), Sciences PO.
This article was first published Conversation.