Why did Portuguese inquired the Prime Minister

Portugal moves rapidly to a new political crisis. The office of the prosecutor, after the adoption of Montenegra’s unbelief, was started by the Prime Minister’s office against the Prime Minister. He is already a second head of the government, allegedly allegedly corrupt. If you open a criminal case against Mr Montinety, he cannot lead his party in May.

The decision to start the preliminary inquiry on Prime Minister Louis Montenegra’s family business on Wednesday. The Reporter explained to the Prime Minister had received the Prime Minister for the Promecial General of Portugal AmadeE Hera. As mentioned, Mr. Herra was noted the primary inquiry until the prosecutor was indicated to the prosecutor’s office. It is clear that the Corpus Dilty is in operation of the Corpus Dilty on its effects. According to heredition, the central investigation department involved in the most resonvenation of the housing.

This step of the prosecutor and immediately followed the decline of the Portuguese government. Remember, if the Prime Minister was preenced by the opposition on his political and business activities.

After the establishment of consulting company established in 2021, we talk to the policy, and after joining the policy, he wrote his wife and her children. First, it is contrary to the country’s civil code of the country, the company continued to share with other companies that participate in the company. Especially, with a solvider casino network. The attention of journalists did not slip, and a person was approved to build up the agricultural land when a person is supported in real estate transactions in real estate transactions.

In response to the strangers of the allegations, Montenegra raised the question of voter in his office, and resulted in. Currently, the Rebel DSC President will be appointed as a President of Rebele DS Sauce in Portugal Marseil and appoint the new parliament elections in May or end.

For Portugal, such as corruption is far from the new one.

The European Council has been led by the European Council. The head of his state, infrastructive minister, the Mayor of the canoes, many “friendly management” businessmen. They are associated with concessions on a hidrogen plant in a hydrogen plant in a large data center. The laws of the then law enforcement of the day were carried out.

As a result, Shri. In the 2024 election, Montenegra’s montinematical Democratic Saki was lost at the minimum brake.

So far, this trend is left. The “democratic alliance” is still ahead of the two political forces, however, however, like Louis Montinigna wants to lead him to the new election.

For the past three years, the country will be not likely to carry political stability for the country.

The winner of the race, is probably not to form the majority government, right-wing powers are still strong. Summers – the party’s party (“forward!”) Perhaps keep its third place. Although there is a tendency to increase the sharp increase in its support, the weak balance of the Parliament will help with the weakening of the population from the mainstream.

At the same time, in Germany, in Portugal, a roasted rule is applicable to abolish a roasted rule. But if the political crisis lasts much, this barrier will crash the next election cycle. However, the main question yet.

Veronica Vishnocova

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