Landlords and the tenants have different rights and liability under the Italian law. But who is responsible for carrying out the cost of maintenance and repair?
Searching for a place for rent is one of the first steps to go to Italy from abroad.
But a media discovery Rent The reason in Italy may be afraid of it, because the rent market increases more than recent years and increases the slim and rom and florence.
But you may wonder what rights and liabilities you have already been an Italian tenant as you already find a place or hunt (Tenant) When performing maintenance on property.
Who should carry the cost of maintenance is common in any country in any country. It is very difficult to interact with foreign nationals in Italy, because the national rental rules are especially complicated and few information in English.
Here is a review of Italy in relation to maintenance.
(The following rules apply to long-term rental. Allows the known short-term leave Small tentsSubject to their own control and third-party-platform rules.)
Normal vs special care
Under Article 1576 It is needed to make all the maintenance of leased, it is necessary to make all the maintenance of leased and make all necessary maintenance, it is the responsibility of the tenant. “
In addition, “If you include moving items,” If the responsibility does not approve of the renters, “the article is specifically explained by the” moving varieties, maintenance and normal maintenance costs.
But what does all the above mean?
According to Previous Court Rules and Property Experts, Rule of Law, small maintenance and maintenance of small maintenance and maintenance (none of these Normal maintenanceOr ‘normal maintenance’) to the renters.
Slight repair work can be anything short to replace light bulbs, broken door or window handles and AC filters.
Italy’s landlords will never demand tenants
On the other hand, main repair or replacement costs (this is known Exceptional maintenanceOr ‘special care’) the landlord should be given.
This includes any form of structural interventions, including its walls, faces, and roofs of it affects the structure of the property.
The roof repairing work, floor tying and plastering all fall in this section.
The landlord should include the gates, Windows, and other furniture and maintenance of the doors, Windows and other furniture and maintenance.
Special Agreement Clauses
Unfortunately, the rules above are not on the stone stone on the stone, because they are not included special closes on their property.
For example, some of the major maintenance associated with key maintenance, or the tenants have fully paid completely.
Read this: What do you need to know about navigating Italian rented contracts
That’s why Tenants Carefully suggest these closes to read the rental agreements in Italy (including minor printing).
If you find any favorable clause, you can ask the owner of the property owner to remove them. If they refuse to do so, you will have no liability to sign the contract, but will remain out of transaction without the consequences.
In the absence of any of the covenant in the rent agreement, the rules that have started the rules Article 1576 Italy’s civil code apply.
What happens if a landlord refuses for maintenance?
If a landlord is refusing to make the maintenance of the maintenance they are legally responsible (or requests), tenants to perform the work of urgent repair work) True To take up legal action against them.
If the issues are worthless of, because it does not follow (Crime) Seek compensation for the damage suffering from the landlord.