
Still “White Lotus” (maximum via Facebook)

Did you hear? Another murder took place at a white lotus hotel, this time in Thailand.

Returning to its third season, Mike Waitin’s critically acclaimed and Emmy Award-winning Trackie-Conductor Series follow the rich of white lotus rich, primarily the white holiday makers of white holiday makers.

Social satire, a lot of play and always a death in paradise. The death of Hawaii in the first season; Sicily, the second, now, in the third place, there is death in Koh Sammy.

As one of the research on the screen representatives of Thailand, I was eager to see how the show took this place. Frustrated, Thailand’s attractiveness and beauty were foretold, the magic of religion of Buddhism.

The series follows four groups, and most of them feel that the audience is chased away.

The first is the Radlif family. The father, who works in the financial and mother, Victoria (Parker Bosy), is Timothy (Jason Isax), which is a great deal of medicine and continues to sleep. Then children: Piper (Sarah Catherine Hook), the daughter who reads the Buddhism; Son Loklan (Sam Nivola) is a bad posture from pasted on his computer; And the eldest of the three, Sakson (Patrick Schwarznecker), its primary focus is intercourse.

The second group is three middle -aged women, they are “on women vacation”, and they abandon their obstacles as they progress. They are usually referred to as the google of the Saxon. The odd pair Chelsea (Amy Lou Wood) and his old partner Rick (Walton Coca -s) seem to be going through a rocky connection.

The desirable person, Belinda (Natasha Rodwell), was a character who worked at the Hawaii Resort of the first season. He is in Thailand on the research journey for his own well -being business.

Horrible people

Like the previous series, the ignorance of the holiday makers is obvious. Thailand is referred to as Taiwan. It is said that Piper cannot be a Buddhist, because he is not a Chinese. The old, rich, bald man’s stereotype – here is referred to as the LPHS (who returned home) – he retires to Thailand with a very younger wife.


With the continuous cultural ignorance and unconsciousness of these guests, some of the mother characters we introduced are submissive, constantly smiling, and always please. There is never a feeling of hate in the exploitation of rich white customers. They are voiceless, often not.

Belinda, the only black character, talks with a mother in any meaningful way. The same type of story that gives any place to mother characters is about the blossoming love between Kaitok (Daim Tabtimtang) and health expert Mukk (Lalisa Manopan), but it is marginalized.

A clear cultural, economic and ethnic cleavage is provided, which fails to allow any mother character to broadcast their criticism of guests and create a meaningful way. Mainly, the The focus is white in color – There is also a criticism of the previous continuing.

A fantasy Thailand

All of these features make up the version of Thailand together and they are found by the lens Orientalism. It is a Western way of seeing non -western places of magic, eroticism and attractiveness, where nothing is normal.

This lens is forecast by the characters that continue to say: “The people of Thailand are looking for something or hiding something”, “Whatever happens in Thailand, stays in Thailand.”

Alcohol is constantly flow, and the drugs can be purchased from the resort. The first few chapters are also indicated because the audience has shown that Lohlon is watching his brother’s naked body. The country is portrayed as a playground for white abuse, where nothing goes – like the Hangver Part II (2011), a trop I wrote Research.

The link to orientalism is also improved by the way the mother religion is magical. When a character engages in a spiritual practice, it is with a score that refers to something that is another world. This is not limited to Western characters. The scenes are delivered in a slow movement when Caitok creates an offering in a shrine.

Previous seasons have a boom on the journey to Sicily and Hawaii shooting places, which are operated Screen images), This season’s Thailand system is the same.

The terrain is a standard focal point, which illustrates the theory of British sociologist John Yuri “Tourism Vision”. The attractive parts of the terrain, the forest and palm trees last from the sea vistas. Monkeys are constantly seen, with other “exotic” creatures.

It is a continuous characteristic of Hollywood films, which are set up from Anna and The King of Siam (1946) to The Impossible (2012) in Thailand, which is completely a sexy place.

The series uses symbol of the Buddhist temple such as the temple Wat fo This creates the backdrop of a conversation in a scene. Also. Unfortunately, in this series, Thailand is reduced to the digestive set of iconic films for the audience.

White Lotus engages in double game. This series clearly criticizes the characters, presents the lifestyle and holidays as desirable and aspirations, while strengthening ancient orientalist stereotypes. You will believe that a show that tries to show the disadvantages of a certain kind of tourism will not be guilty of trying to make a lambun.ConversationConversation

Andrew RussellThe Faculty of Lecturer, Creator and Cultural Industries, Portsmouth University. This article is re -published Conversation Under the Creative Commons License. Read Original article.


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