
In our country, from those who are considered, the fruit juices are common to start the morning Antisorem It is like that Queaba with gingerEven those who have unusual names’Vampire ‘, betabel and orange crispyThere are some of them.

But if you are looking for such amazing flavor Avatecad move Oh Yellow juice with pineappleYou can try The spinach is crispy With Queaba.

What are the benefits of spinach extract with Queaba?

If you do not believe all the tastes you can keep Queaba is liquidized Spinach, then their advantages can do it because this drink is linked to a large number of benefits.

Some they are said to Benefits of Queaba extract With spinach; However, everything that is said is not 100 percent real.

We are telling you what the truth is for this reason Benefits of natural juices.

It’s a nutritious drink

Spinach is a very nutritious food because it contains fiber, calcium, iron, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, thiamine, raiboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, B12, A, C, D and E. Spanish Nutrition Foundation.

La Queabha contains a lot of water, vitamins and minerals, because it causes very good refreshment because Contains low amounts of caloriesStudy Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The company states vitamin A, E, D12 and especially vitamin C, citrus in the nutrients of guava, which includes iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus.

Do you have diabetic disease with greens? This is what is known

One of the main reasons to be believed to be able to assist in diabetes, because studies found Benefits of guava leaf tea For reduction in blood sugar.

One of them is available in science magazine Nutrition and metabolismThere was found to drink guava leaf tea Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes; However, it is not known whether or not to eat or take the fruit.

Medical news today He says that lettuce is rich in antioxidants, known as alpha lipoic acid, and that animal -created studies have found that he is possible:

  • Reduce the amount of glucose
  • Increase insulin sensitivity
  • Prevent antioxidant changes

Although all of the above are beneficial for people with diabetes, There is still many research needed In this case, in the case of spinach and quayabas.

Do the Kuayaba juice have greens to the heart?

In addition to taking steps such as performing physical functions and carrying a good diet, it is occasionally taking the juice of the Queabha with greens.

Because a study provided by the portal HelthlineEating a mature koya before the meal is a General decrease in blood pressure And reduction in total cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Spinach is not too far behind because this plant is rich in potassium, a mineral that is capable of reducing Control high blood pressureStudy Medical news today, Be beneficial to the health of the heart.

Does the juice of the spinach help the digestion?

Medical news today y Helthline They explain that both source guava and spinach Fiber -rich foodsBecause each of them is:

  • Queaba: 5.4 grams of food fiber
  • Spinach: 2.2 g fiber

The effect of fiber in the stomach This is beneficial because it helps improve the health of the digestive tract HelthlineExcept Mayo clinic He explains that the growth of constipation can be prevented.

The special health portal explains that the fiber enhances the weight and size of the stool and softens them, which promotes very simple discharge, which promotes very simple discharge.

Does the juice of the greens reduce the risk of cancer?

Investigated and published in samples The National Library of Medicine He found that guava leaf juice is more effective than some drugs to prevent the development of cancer cells; Nevertheless, Need more research.

Epinagas are a pigment -rich food, which means that plants are a pigment that gives their green, but, accordingly, can also have anti -cancer properties Medical news today.

Some research this special health portal confirms that green vegetables may reduce foods rich Cancer risk factors. In this case, additional studies are also needed.

What if we drink lettuce juice daily? Side effects

Medical news today He explains that an investigation into an investigation in the Queabas has no significant effect on eating fruit, however, the negative consequences cannot be rejected, so it is advisable to consume it in a moderate way.

About spinach, Helthline This vegetable illustrates calcium and oxalates, which will increase the risk of developing Kidney calculations In people with this kidney disease.

In addition, he says that greens contain high vitamin K1 content May interfere with anticoCulant drugs Like warfarin, it is advisable to consult a doctor before eating large quantities.


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