What happened in the Philippines battle, it led to the Pedter arrested?

After killing the police during a police anti-drug anti-operation in the city of Kollam, the cops are behind a police line. (Roomers / Eric de Castro)

Former Philippine President Rodrigo Patherder was arrested in the warrant against drugs in power and appointed thousands of films.

Here are some facts about the President of Dupertirer from 2016 to 2022:

‘The propaganda vows to kill’

Southern Philippine City of Daiwo’s long-term mayor, the roddrigo paider was known as “Puthather” for his hard policies. His successful speeches, drug speeches and death threats were a feature of the successful campaign of President in 2016.

At his statements at the campaign: “If I change the laws in human rights. I will be fine. Because I will go out.

The propaganda in Daweo saved the citizens from the crime. During the campaign, he repeated the intentions for the violent abuse of repatriation.

“Let them kill five offenders every week, so they will be deleted,” he told the rourt.

Roll out the countrywide

Leave the same Police to be implemented by nationwide.

By the end of 2016, Body number was set to set the role in the nation’s battle.

More than 2,000 people were killed after the inauguration of the Cheriator inaugurating the Chervanth until the end of June 30. Most of death were described as dues.

The attack and death of the death did not reduce the post.

In December 2016, a commentary vote Pedipinos, published by the Research Agency of Social Weather Stations, were satisfied with the performance of Pedps.

In 2018, Raja Pulitzer Journal received a Pulitzer Prize for drug war, and started contrary to the official accounts of the shootout murders.

Final toll

In 2022, the Cherit Holk’s Office and the Official Toll of the Drug War has at least three times. Police said that 6,200 people were killed in anti-drug activities.

The Philippine government has officially recognized 6,248 deaths due to anti-drug campaign.

But Activists say thousands of urban and poor drugs, and many people have been installed by many of the “Watchlists”.

The defense of his propaganda was in the defense of his campaign to kill police alone in defense.

The families of the killers were later compared to Reauty’s journalists, with ruters and official reports compared to death certificates.

Dozens of cases showed violent deaths, where the death certificates were listed. In one case, death certificate listed as the cause of death of pneumonia, however, there was a bullet hole.

The ICC prosecutor said that 30,000 people were killed by anonymous individuals for more than 200,000 people.

ICC probe and arrest warrant

The ICC prosecutor will be held primarily about the preliminary inquiry of death in Philippines in February 2018.

One month later, the duper said he will be withdrawn from the ICC. Exit came into effect in March 2019.

Even if a state withdraws a state withdrawal of an state, it retains jurisdiction in the Membership period.

The suspension of the Philippines may have been able to investigate and prosecute judicial system that the Philippines can be able to investigate and prosecute judicial system in 2021.

However, the ICC probe reports the ICC probe reports that the court said that not satisfied with the Philippine attempts.

The current government said in June, the current government said that he will not cooperate with ICC.

In today’s January, the government opened to cooperate with the international institution in January.

– Key Johnson writes; Editing Clarence Fernandes

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