
The Normal PNR competition For laboratory teachers in secondary schools of the Afrozo regions, Emilya Romakna, March, Bookia and Ambriya. It was founded by Ankona Tar, a group of competitors protected by lawyer Kaitano Libaro accepted the proposed appeal.

The Administrative Court has stated that the candidates have been referring to anonymity in actually conducting a practical test, because candidates have been asked to incorporate their name and family name on the sheets used to solve the questions.

Nationally robber, competition to enter the role of about 20 thousand teachers, It is built at an intermediate level and in the current case, in the current case, the March is administered by the Regional School Office of the Region, which appointed the Commission in charge of the assessment of the candidates. In detail the types of trials, the Commission has decided to perform practical testing in the mode of writing, in this case, in which the Commission has decided to perform the practical tests (the laboratory and techniques of multimedia communications technology and techniques). “When a practical test is written in writing – the lawyer comments Liberalism – it is important to respect the general rule of its anonymous performance, because the trialists are not the right reason to know the name of its writer, so to put the reliability and transparency of the competition.” In the execution of the penalty, the Ministry of Education must now repeat the practical test, and then, then, the oral tests must be repeated and approved the new rankings of the winners, which will begin from the next school year.

The Ministry of Education, for its part, refers to it Competitive Technical Teacher Setteching Competition Class in March’s Tar Judgment (A022) for a total of 60 seats (Approzo 2, Emily -romagna 27, March 8, Booklia 14, Ambriya 9). There were 174 candidates in violation of the written test, and on February 13, there was a 50 -character hiring file. 2024/2025 With no effect on the vessel’s entrances already made on the premises of the school year and the PNR practices, the renewal of practical testing and orra will affect the 174 candidates who have passed the test.

However, the M5S Exposed on the Education Authority in the room: “Who will pay for this disaster? We ask the Minister of Education to come to the Commission To identify the responsibilities of this unacceptable situation and clarify it, “Kuzeb Bundono, president of the Italian Left School Left School, is the ‘error rough’ and the worst aspect,“ a competition that started a year and a half ago.

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