Violet Network in Assetapekin is introduced by the As-Sisnaros


Within framework of the 10,000 women who attempts to accommodate security, mutual support and care, in the framework of the state of the 10,000 women, which is trying to accommodate security, mutual support and attention.

In the event, linked to the local emergency services, allowing any risky woman to request to request a button. Additionally, the lookalog returns information about services, contacts, and attention in various circumstances of the gender committee.

The presentation was held in the Spropa of the Municipal Presidency, Sysneros Coss represents the protection and support between women. He stressed the state of focusing on the variety of women and focusing on the variety of women’s safety and a well-known cabinet and the attention of a good cabinet and attention. Soon, the search and a disappearing ministry will be launched.

The Mayor highlighted historical struggles of women, farmers, students, students and professionals, which worked in work, farmers, students and professionals. Although discrimination and inequalities still exist, it is necessary to continue in favor of equity, even if there is still discrimination and inequality.

The Director of the Department of Tselda Lossa, Director of the Department of Distitutes and Gingera, the Director of the Department of Distitutes and Gingtello, which emphasized the security of the municipality, which emphasizes the security of the municosity. Similarly, community leaders and young workers highly highlighted the importance of Soritty and gender equality.

Some women point out that the family represents a vital advance, especially in public spaces that have many people feel weak.

After presenting the program, members of the field and the violet network went to Socalo, the capital of the Republic president.

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