Genetic analyzes confirm the fit between the traces found in the DNA of Fordunado Verdusi and the traces found in Luigia Borlli in 1995.


The gene profile resembles “complete” Fordunato vertusi. Attribute probability exceeds the world population 100 billion. This was the case from the accident that was charged this morning Maria Luigia Borllie, The prostitute was killed on September 5, 1995, in the vico dictorie’s passage in Genoa.

Civil Party Advisor Marina Baldi confirmed the report issued by Coroner Celine Sissana appointed by Judge Alberto Lipini. The only suspect, the 65th coach, Fordunado Verdusi, was not in the courtroom, while her lawyers Andrea Wolf and Emanuel Canaba did not make statements. “Doctor – Civil Lawyer Rachel De Stephanis explained Baldie – explained his expertise and confirmed it DNA Mr. Fully concluded with vertusi“.

The geneticist who created her own expertise uses the protection of Pavlo Fatorini. However, according to Baldie, “not proposed significant objections” compared to the results of the allegation. Baldi quoted on the murder of Yara Kambrasio, if he was asked about a similar case that was decisive to identify by DNA. Now the lawyer Paterisia Petrussiello can close the investigation and evaluate the allegation for Verdusi.

Thanks to a complex genetic investigation, Verdusi has been identified. Male DNA was found in the place where Luigia Borelli was killed He had no direct letters to him, however, thanks to the database of the Ministry of Justice: a similar profile was monitored in the prison of Verdusi’s distant relative of Verdusi. From there, investigators reconstructed the suspect’s gene code, and the person in charge of the crime was charged with the accusation. Of the man -made elements, there will be a blue Diana found in the crime, and Verdusi still smokes today. In addition, in a telephone interference, the coach builder would have betrayed himself for another crime, even if this element was not considered decisive to arrest.

According to the lawyer Petruselo, Verdusi suffered from ludopathy, drowning with debts and killed Luigia Borllie. Now investigators evaluate the potential connection with another unresolved case: the murder of Mercia Anna Rosie Lamberti in 1998 in Genoa. The suspect’s DNA will be compared to the biological tracks found in that crime.

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