Vanuatu Prime Minister to cancel the passport of Lalit Modi’s passport | Indians

New Delhi: Vanuatu Prime Minister Jotam Napum After recent international media reports after recent international media, the passport cancellation canceled to the Vanuatu Passport to Lalit Modi.
I have instructed the Citizenship Commission to take action to take action to cancel Lalit Modi’s Vanuatua, “Napa was said.
“All standard proofs, including interpol screenings, including interpol screenings during his application, were explained twice. The interpol was explained twice to reject the lack of Lalit Modi’s Citizenship project,” he added.

Republic of Vanuatu

Vanuaduat PM specified as a Vanuatu Passport is a status of a Vanuatu PM, which is a right, and the applicants should have legitimate reasons for applicant. He added that either not trying to avoid caution, he added that Lalit Modi was intention.
Meanwhile, an application has been submitted before the former IPL chairman to submit the Indian Hymail Commission after the citizenship of the Pacific Island. The Ministry of Foreign Ministry will review his request under the “widespread rules and procedures”.
Lalit Modi learned that Modi has won Vanuatu’s citizenship. According to the law, we continue to be as needed, “A spokesman had earlier said earlier.
India has sought help from the UK to transfer Lalit Modi, facing legal action with economic disorders.

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