
2024 in the fourth quarter Group The Swedish revenue has earned 1.3 percent of the crowns of 4.84 billion. A year ago.

But The revenue of the activity, which is classified as the basis of concern (mainly in Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands), has increased by 1.6 percent. Up to 4.64 billion crowns. In organism, the dynamics are 4.7 percent.

Subscription revenues in Viole increased by 5.1 per cent. From linear channels sales up to 2.05 billion crowns – up to 9.1 per cent 1.18 billion, and people from advertising – 3 per cent. Up to 1.01 billion.

At the end of December last year, he had 4.757 million subscribers in these markets, 1.8 percent. A year ago.

Viagle in Poland has more than 1.5 million subscribers

Since the spring of 2024, the remaining activity of the concern (in statements referred to as mentally) after the company’s departure from the Great British and Baltic states. In the past quarter, the influence of Viveley Group in Poland declined by 41.2 per cent per year. Up to 198 million crowns, and the loss of operating loss was limited to 246 to 35 million.

By the end of December, we had 1.59 million subscribers on the platform, which means 4.2 percent falling compared to 1.66 million a year ago.

Vaplay Games in Poland has been reduced from mid -2014. At the beginning of the current football season, the 1st Europa League’s League’s matches (both league broadcasts went to the Polsat Sports Stations), said goodbye to Formula 1 in November (by eleven games of law acquisted), and part of the German Football League in eleven games (from the mid -year of the year. Will accept the exchange of exclusive games).

In the past quarter report, the company maintained itself from our market in the middle of this year.

Vayale Group’s profit

The total operational profit of the Viagle Group (abandoned actions, copies and companies with minority stocks) were released) – the loss of 230 million crowns in the fourth quarter of 2023 to 172 million in the past quarter. While Net loss is reduced to 230 million from 2.88 billion (mainly a large copy of a large copy).

Throughout 2024, anxiety received 106 million crowns completely, against 9.75 billion losses a year ago (Of them, 9.22 billion fell in Wright -Aff). Operational loss and operations have declined from 1.12 billion to 269 million before writing.


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