US LPGA Royy Rio Takda won 6-shot in China

Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue, US LPGA Rookie Season on Sunday, took the first win.

In November, 271 were the 271 runs in the Blue Bay Bay Golf Court in the Blue Bay Bay Golf Court in Hainan Island.

After leaving two birds to the final round, the first four holes were added to a bogai free 64, and it added to a bogai free 64, and it was added to a bogai free 64, the best score of the day.

On March 9, March 2025, Blue Boy Golf Course in the Blue Bay Golf Course of the Blue Boy Golf Course of the Blue Boy Golf Course hit a tea short. (Getty / Quedo)

Takda has scored 824 season, including two majors in Japan, and this completes the tour of the tour.

Australia’s Minji Lee (67) was left alone in the second, and then in Japan’s Send Sendy Furrio (68).

The other three Japanese Top-10 Finishes earned Close-10 Finishes, Mao Zigo 6, and Miue 6, Miumasitia and NASA Honaca.

LI Shuinging’s Ti host China was the highest finish of the game.

On March 9, March 2025, the Rio Tatda celebrated the Bee Bay LPGA tournament in China’s Haina Golf course on March 9, March. (Getty / Quedo)

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