
He United States Senate Accepted a Bill What Harden Las Barn Against him Fentanil anesthetic trafficWith aim Stop overlying crisis It happened More than one lakh deaths per year In the country.

84 votes and established in favor of regulations Classification Faithful In Table 1 These substances are equivalent to them Medicine Of High risk Without receiving medical use. Since 2018, this level was temporarily applied to this level.

He Fentanyll, Synthetic Opiody Until 50 times stronger than heroiIt has become One of the main reasons of death By Overdose In it USA.

The bill is trying to modify the cartels to modify the kartels to modify the chemical composition of these substances. Although the new legislation does not have compulsory penalty, fentalnal analogs affects the illusions when it affects the illegal version.

On the other hand, research policies on the Tribal Senator criticized the legislation similar to the legislation such as the democratic seniority of Cory Booker.

He argued that there was no use of compounds of this general classification, it failed to include the war of drugs, and it will not be sentenced to prison without solving the basic issue.

From another point of view, the Republican Senator Shelea Moore Capital stated that the Capital will reduce more equipment and reduce their presence in the streets.

President Donald Trump made priorities against Fentonil not to behave against drug trafficking.

As part of their strategy, 25% tariffs were suspended from Mexican and Canadian exports to April 2. This has been applied to the goods from China by argumenting that Mexican cartels come from that country to make the fentaleal.

Discussion on the effectiveness of these actions is open, because some areas consider the hard classification and sanctions to stop the Opioid of this addict.

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