Ukraine reports four new cases in the Armed Forces from June 10 – Unan

Some 59 servist is now isolated (including the self isolation).

Ukraine reports three new rovid-15 cases

The number of Conid-19 Cornonavirus cases registered in the armed forces of Ukraine and four rises to four.

In 123 of the Sarade Sena on June 10, 123 of the armed forces in Ukraine had a seried breathing disease. Facebook Thursday. In the last 24 hours, there were 19 cases registered in the last 24 hours. “

Read thisKevewew Mayor is reported 216 new Conid-15 cases, six deadly materialsOne has been admitted to the hospital in the newly affected. Currently, their health condition is satisfactory.

Some 59 servist is now isolated (including the self isolation).

Since the launch of the vaccination campaign in Ukraine, 73,637 people received their first jab, including 3,868 military doctors.

Vaccination was given last day for 1,607 people in Ukraine Army.

Covid-1 Ukraine: Latest developments

  • Ukraine’s health authorities that confirmed across the country in the last 24 hours in the last 24 hours.
  • The total number of confirmed coronatires in Ukraine arrived at 2,219,824.

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