Ukraine live ticker: TRAMP BEFORE BEFORE BE BEFORE BE AGAINP: MAKE ALL AGAINST, but “still to be so much”
Italy and Spain currently wants to support the EU foreign representative Kaja Kuja thieves to Ukraine. In an appointment in Brussels, the Foreign Minister Anrarajani has said in Italy 27 European Union. So US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin is looking forward to the Putin. Kalows After his suggestion has his suggestion, “Kalus said.
According to the diplomat, according to diplomat, the north and eastern European countries are strongly supported by the proposal. However, some states in southern Europe are more reserved, which is more reserved and provides Russia with Russia and more help with Ukraine, which is more helping in connection with their financial performance.

Italian Foreign Minister Thijangi said that his country had to find money to increase his own defense expenses: “There is a lot of expenses to deal with.” Spain Minister Jose Manuel Alberca said that you will see how the discussion of the Kalus Scheme will be in the outside ministers. “But there is no decision on the present.” Spain is already committed to provide a billion euro in Ukraine this year. He said not to wait a proposed European Union representative to “Give Spain” to show Kiev to show Kiev.

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