Ukraine leads to Russia with 337 drones, at least three deaths

Ukraine was attacked with 337 drones at the night of March 10 to 11. Will arrive in the Moscow region. According to the Russian authorities, the attack was killed.

“In hindering and destroying air defense systems,” 91 in the Moscow region, “said the Russian Defense Ministry.

Mirad blocks Kursk, Brownski and Belgorod were also blocked by Mirad’s Handons, Arjasan, Kaluganni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nekninni and Nickgrode.

The spokesman was underlined for Kremlin Dimitirij Paselo mention Russian press agencies.

“The goal of the attack is” to convince the Aerried trough “.

“The Ukrainian government has spokesman spokesperson and spokesman and spokesman and spokesperson to the center of the accident.

The Ukrainian delegation team and the largest of the hostility of the war in the beginning of the war, the Ukraine representative group was before an American.

On March 10, Volloyymare Zelensiki and US Secretary of State

Interviewees are the first of the unprecedented dispute between Selensky and the US President Donald Trump.

After that, in addition to sharing intelligence, peace was suspended for Ukraine to take a difficult situation for peace.

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