Ukraine admits “30th ceasefire”; Returning information and restart military support (Trump-dusts)

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London = Fujina Manabu

The joint statement issued a joint statement with the United States and Ukraine with other representatives of foreign ministers and other representatives in other Ukraine. “Immediately, the ceasefire” is a ceasefire, “Ukraine agrees to the US’s direction, and US military support will be resumed.

On the same day, the US and Ukraine lived in Jeddah in western Saudi Arabia. According to the Joint Statement, the ceasefire is subject to Russia’s acceptance and obedience. To respond to a ceasefire to maintain peace, it is said to be requested to Russia.

The ceasefire is said to be “extended,” If there is a contract, it is a great achievement to respond to a ceasefire, which is not clear whether the war will actually end.

The US was the last of the February …

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Who wrote this article

Fujina Manabu
London Bureau chief
Specialization and areas of interest
Ukraine, British politics, considerations, conspiracy theory

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