
One of the 39 people who were injured during a demonstration organized by the German Union of Verdi Services, “Unfortunately we must ensure death today.” Furhad N. According to the Daily Build, Fahrath Noori, who came to the country in 2016, came to Afghanistan in 2016.

According to the investigators, he claimed to have claimed the facts that he had acted by “religious motivation”. The police spoke about the “Islamic orientation” of the alleged culprit who have been self-intertwined. After being arrested at the scene of the attack, he shouted “Allah Akbar” (God is great) and prayed before the police. The person is not the state of the state of the known Islamic organization.

As soon as elections

At the administrative level, his asylum application was rejected in Germany, but he was “tolerated” as a resident, because he said he was working, mainly an awareness. The attack occurred ten days before the assembly elections in Germany, which already dominated the questions of immigration and insecurity, after a number of recent deadly acts of foreigners.


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