Turkish investigating Turkish Istanbul Mayor Imamoglu on corruption – DW – 03/19/2025

Turkish officials withholders of the Turkish officials, the chief political opponent of the Turkish officials, the chief political opponent of the Turkish officials, the head of the Turkish officials, the chief political opponent of corruption and terrorism.

The Anadulu Agency said prosecuters said the warrant had informed the warrant of the 100 other people, including businessmen and journalists.

Imamogulu was blocked on Wednesday and quoted AFP and DPA news agencies on his side to the police headquarters.

Local broadcasts reported that his Istanbul was home in the morning morning in the morning.

The Prime Ministers banned in the end of the ends for preventing protest after arrest. Nexblocks Internet observation on Wednesday that the Turkey was managed access to multi social media platforms.


Imamogla’s detention was after the University of Istanbul was declared the University of Diploma for irregularities.

To run for the president, a candidate must have a university degree.

The university said the degree of 28 people, including imamoglul, were declared 28 people, including imamoglill.

Imamogla Endogo is seen as an important dispute

IMamogulu, a popular opposition politician from the Central-Left Republican People’s Party (CHP) was nominated for the presidential candidate for presidential candidate from the Central-Left Republican People’s Party (CHP).

IMamogla has been elected to Istanbul may be used twice, and 2023, 2023, and in 2023, the candidates of Erdogaon beat the candidates in the party candidates (AKP).

Erranbul has a special resonance to the Mayor race of Istanbul since Erdogan started.

In 2003, Turkin dominated the dominant of 2028 in 2028.

Imamoglu: ‘I stand firm’

Immogullah said he would not give up on post to his X account.

“By fear or unlikely actions cannot be silent,” he wrote. “I stand firmly … I’m firmly standing in the fight for fundamental rights and freedom.”

CHP Chairman Osel Osel Ouseel is considered to be overthrown by Imogla.

Edited: Wesley Dockey and Lewis Ohofaz

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