
The Trump In the past two days, the administration has removed thousands of federal workers from wildfire to work Medical research.

Why is this important: At this level, mass firing is unprecedented – and the federal government has been working for many years, or is not coming.

The status of the game: The White House has not yet released the number of how many employees being fired, and has not immediately responded to the request of Axios’ comment.

  • The agencies have been given fire to the workers who have been set on fire on Tuesday night, according to a source of familiarity with this process, and they can make exceptions.
  • There are about 200,000 qualified workers – one to two years of agencies throughout the government.
  • These crimes have come after about 75,000 workers accepted the resignation concession designed by Elon Mask’s Dogi.

What’s going on: Multiple shootings are happening in the email.

  • Those who are pushed are often the “term-in-law” folks with qualified workers or set deadlines. But some more permanent civil servants have left.
  • Employees within the IRS, CFPP and the USDA told Axios on Friday, they were shut down, or colleagues received dismissal announcements, and were also expected.

Conspiracy: An official of the US Government Employees Federation told Aksios that all 18 professional communications employees at the Employees Management Office had effectively eliminated the government’s Human Resources Department. A proof of the decision was also confirmed.

  • Their positions were permanently eliminated, and effectively destroy the people’s communication group, which is like what Mask did on Twitter When he took charge.
  • The union official said the OPM removed dozens of qualified staff at the group video call at 2:30 pm on Thursday afternoon.
  • The union official was told to leave the building by 3.

Inside the energy department Eligible staff received announcements made by Axios that they were left on Thursday.

  • Axios’s announcements say that “according to OPM instructions, Doe has found that your employment will not be in public welfare.” “For this reason, you are being removed from your position with the Doe and Federal Civil Service,” according to announcements.

Solder department Thursday dismissed more than 1,000 employees Confirmed.

  • CNN 3,400 dismissal and 2,000 people were sacked in the US Forest Service.
  • Stat report 5,200 workers must be fired within the Department of Health and Human Services.

What do they say: The spokesperson of the OPM described the qualifying period as a “continuity of the job application process” to the AXIOS, and the agencies “said the central government would take independent action in favor of the president’s wide efforts to freeze and reconstruction.”

  • The guidance of the OPM for agencies is that qualified staff must be dismissed, only the “Mission critical” exceptions.
  • “This administration has abused the period of eligibility for a politically motivated mass firing, not due to the performance of the employees, but because they hired before Trump,” a report said, “AFGE president Evett Kelly, represents a union’s report.

What to see: It is already challenged in court, and it will be on the horizon of more cases.


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