Toronto man accused of officer of the parking officer

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The 55-year-old Toronto Mano alleged that the Toronto police officer attacked the Toronto police parking office at the eastern edge.

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1:31 pm 1:31 leaning 1:31 in a afternoon Toronto police said. Area.

One parking execution official alleged that a parking executioner is trying to perform a screening parking Perming and the officer refused to ensure that the officer refused to implement the action before driving his vehicle.

The defendant ran away and found and arrested later.

Enforcement officer was taken to the hospital to assess for the injured.

Charleton b. James defeated and attacked as an accident by allegedly attaining.

416-808-6600 or Crime Stoppers are asked to contact the police in 416-22-tips (8477)

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St. W.

Two vehicles, black BMW, red BMW, a red BMW. Police said the area had occupy and vehicle traffic in the area at that time.

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