TNI advertisement is attacked by KS Tish Koopalan, foreign agents?

Oco-Chief (KSAD) General Maruli Simenjendal, of the National Revenue of the Review of the National Army Act of the Indonesian National Army Act. Currently, DPR is happy TNI legal projects New in exchange for 2004 Low Number 34.

“If later decision, yes we will attend.

Baka: Cessac encouraged Teddy, KSAD: That’s the authority of the commander!

Active soldiers who can access government agencies have made the role of the Marilydal response to last military soldiers. According to Maruli, people do not need a premic regarding the policy to add retirement age.

This is because the DPR is discussed at the DPR level and turns into a relationship. Additionally, the People in the DPR will criticize the points on the Bill in addition to adding retirement age in the DPR. “Please, about State Policy,” Marily said.

Baka: TNI was attacked with the elegant agents who blamed general agents

The same thing applies to the civilians and points to the civilian positions to provide active TNI officials. According to Maruli, the fear of Indonesia in Indonesia is very excessive to the new order era.

“Therefore, it is not too much storms in the media, this is the new ordie. I think it’s a bad idea,” Marily said.

The Maruli Rate is impressed by the Indonesian Army and the Indonesian Army firm that impresses the firmness and so that his rankings will get worse. According to Maruli, all active personnel in civilian institutions have a good achievement background and in accordance with the related civil institutions.

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“In my opinion, Maruli was upright with some parties that behaved in selective logging in attacking Indonesian Army Institutions.

When the other agencies that control the government, he was surprised, activists and observers were not serious. “When this person entered all the ministries in all the ministries, No Such serious. Is he working on the institution? It requires response media like that. Is it a foreign agent or what? “Meruli said.

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