Three ways to address anti-agenda

This is a difficult period of the feminist movement. The efforts were opened in public life and to make the hungry of the hungry quality for women.

Many political parties do not ignore women’s interests – they put Anti-feministism In their forefront Agenda. There are strongest forces in the game, digging women against men.

The question of the day is, what can be done? The starting points are here.

1. Stop ‘Backlash’ description

Anyone interested in equality is to fight against those who are interested in fighting, claim the Mizogini and Backlas against feminism. It really Small part of the population Whoever feels this way. Most young people support women’s rights.

For example, A survey My colleagues and young people in the year old found young people in the year old, but believes the feminism has done more harm than good but it seems to have been done better for the world. Similarly, 36% of young people say that the feminism is not enough, says only 18% went too much.

Humans are social animals. Influenced what we understand as a criterion. It is necessary to challenge those who challenge themselves with the idea of ​​challenging the idea that influenced the ideal idea Andrew Tate Represents the majority point of view.

This account is not misleading, but political motion. Donald Trump Administration has a political achievement such as til tigs Mark Zuckerberg Call more “masculine energy” in organizations or society.

In a click, there are financial benefits to find the media in the economy. The expansion of content that encourages the feminist worldwide in the feminist world, changes attitudes to match the dominant things Social Criteria.

To defend it, we have to confirm the majority of people Support social justice and gender equality. Most people believe in the goals of feminism and want more freedom to men and women. The original criterion is not a reactionary attitudes, is progress.

2. Accept the man’s complaints

That’s saying that, we must agree that the substantive ratio of young people feel disappointed and it is a real problem. A Recent Unuga surveyHe said that young young people support young people.

However, despite his abuse views, they do so, not the roots. To rhetoric into rhetoric into rhetoric on masculinity. This highlighted a broader problem – the bad positions of young people in the conversations of equality and variety.

For decades, the girls who campaigned were traditionally been involved in women’s roles, traditionally been involved in women’s roles. Look at the number of girls Subjects in Level How well do they do, or how The girl’s football Exploded.

However, we haven’t done it to the boys. Boys don’t Traditional “girl” subjectsThey do not engage in spheres like Netball or Ballet as traditional attacks.

In effect, society was accepted “masculine”, but the barriers are not broken alike to enable men’s “feminism”. Feminism is always meant to be the liberation of all genders.

To prery the gender mentality, we should create space for compassionate masculine. The boys need to have power to explore individuality to explore the personality to “a man” as a man.

Traits and Roles have been coded as a code as codified in this – carefully coded road – without stigma. We will only get real equality only by developing the possibilities for all sexes.

3. The gapy star counter

Finally, the rise of the rise of the population is causing the rise of the population. Young people are less likely to be Own their own houseMany are more Is less than Their parents.

This may be especially especially for young people who benefited from a given system – and saw their fathers and strength. For them, equality can feel like a zero-sum game, and the benefits are losing them to others.

Phases politicians and media exploiting the frustration of economic unemployment – richest density of economic inequality – were women, immigrants and other side shoots.

Gender equality and economic social righteousness are depicted. The challenges we face need to share the reasons we face the reasons we face. Similarly, solutions to those problems will benefit men and men.

Parents, feminist groups such as a good salary for parents argue. A good leave for the fathers help them and support the work of mothers and helps the welfare of the family and the welfare of the family and the community.

In other words, all we need is very similar. Our utopian perspective is given to our role in the place where women and women want to live. We are a country of dreaming.

Finally, we need better male role models. There are a compassionate, brave, supporting communities and are the most vulnerable mansis. Not only did they are possible, but we don’t know what in the world we know.

We need to make more efforts to prevent the problem of masculinity in social media algorithms and hack and hacking these channels.

The next step of feminist activation will be challenged. So we get together all the genders to fight against the good fight with us. are you ready? Don’t be afraid. I assume you will love the future I will bring us.

Heegetling Chung The Director of the Joise College of London is the Director of the King’s global institute for women’s leadership for women.

This article was first published Conversation.

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