Thousands of canceled. When is the chance for compensation?

More than 3,400 canceled over 3,400 per cent of the German Verdi Trade Union. The protests of March 10 include 13 hours of German. He touched 510,000 passengers, including those who travel from Poland. If there is a canker options and rights on the radio RMF 22 in RMIF’s interview, passenger options and rights have been introduced in the expert Advertising Agency.

As above all, If the air cancellation on the planeDon’t panic, because minutes from minutes, or in minutes, or for example, before example, before, before example, here is the task of the carver – Denise rhymevicks explains.

We often find it in the airport that our flight was canceled. Then first, contact the carrier or get the carrier to travel or go to Airline Stand Causes The consequences of the flight cancellation – He adds.

We have the most rights as a passenger for a technique or aircraft failure. But for reasons that caused appeal, on the side of carrier, IE Crew strike or flight attendant – Says the expert.

In this case, reefonds for a fixed plane, or revenge in our target direction, or re-set up to our target, a line to reach our destination as soon as possible to reach our destination Rymkiecz explains.

There is still today Compensation, it depends on the root of what we have to overcome it. Rate depends on whether or flight intercontinental to a European country or flight intercontinental. Determines that the airline becomes liable to increase and compensate up to 300 to 600 – RMF24 explains guest.

The interlocation of Tomasus is the interlusion of VRIRector, the brokers who help the brokers to apply for the brokers to apply for the Brokers. From the amount of compensation. This is justified, because broker is responsible for contact with airline – The representative of ESKY.PL.

In the case of European Airlines, the applying for compensation is not a major problem for compensation. Applications directly submitted directly to the line most often regarded – Suggest an expert of an online travel agency, reminds that it is applicable to the reasons for the airline.

However, the broker may help when the reason for canceled flight is not completely restricted. For example The air controllers are the strike, which is the cause of the above characteristics under the EU control. In this case, it is very difficult to obtain your own compensation – He explains.

If you change during departure, the time when a change is leaving at the time of departure, the time informed its passengers. If this change has been communicated with more than 14 days to depart, unfortunately, we have a small room for regulations because the line has the right to change the time in accordance with rules. – says – says.

However, if it was less than 14 days, you can rely on the income of funds or an alternative connection. If This situation will appear, the same rules apply to the flight of the flight – Explaining the expert.

On -board staff, pilots or air traffic controllers are a common phenomenon, especially in recent years. Tomasus reminded the guest of Verimski, which is impacted in the Conid-19 Pandemic and Staff shortage. When Pandememia and Aviation carriers and airports carriers launched aircraft and traffic controls and decided to reduce employment. So far, airports and airports have not been reseded yet because of their human resources, because many people have changed – said rymkiewicz.

According to the estimates, strikes appear to be definitely, but they are less weight than the previous year. The current employees can work more work because of staff shortages – Internet rmf24 Denis Rimexisis said in the radio.

Prepared: Julia Domaga ła

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