Kevin Alonso Gill Akosta was arrested in Guliyakan, Sinalova on Wednesday night during a joint operation of the federal security forces. Officials identify him as the head of the protection of Ivan Arciwaldo Gusman and the in charge of the arms and ammunition for the curse section.
Elements of the Ministry of National Defense, the National Guard, the Navy Secretariat, the Attorney General’s Office and the Ministry of Citizenship Protection and Defense participated in the operation. During the move, Kevin Alonso Gill Acosta was with another person, identified as Jose Alonso “N”, and he is a member of the same criminal committee. Both took the guns and were insured after a security examination.
Officials said that Kevin Alonso Gill Gill Akosta was to coordinate weapons, organize groups to confront other criminal organizations and establish security measures for the Ivan Archive Kusman. It is also indicated for imposing punishments on members of the Criminal Committee.
Prisoners were transferred to the office of the Attorney General on organized crimes in Mexico, where their legal status will be determined.
Los Quintas de Kuliyakan, who was seized on the same day in an activity in the neighboring countries, Los Sapidose’s logistics and financial operator, “El Keirido”, “El Kirito”, Jose Enngal Kanobio Insunsa, Jos Angel Canobio Insunsa, this arrested.
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