Secretary Governance and finance in the state government, Jokwan met with Landros and Ra on Mondo and the Special Commission Political Coordination Board of State Congress To activate the Credit of the Credit of Credit of Credit of Credit of Credit of Credit for 20 municipalities to activate the economy of Synalo. Authorities said that the 1,626.9 million Pesoshos of the 2,300 million Pesos are already tender. It represents 70%. 688 million 518 million Pesos lost for Tender 13 projects. The bank account has resources on April 25.
This clears some things. In principle, the works taken at this package is not going to start this march. Progress has been made in tenders but will be a source until the end of next month. Another things, with the approach to officials with the depusses, have approved the credit, and there is a will to open Responsibility. That was one of the one aspects CholaoENSE Society Asked when the credit arose: Transparency. Even a platform is formed because it is formed, so it can access the use of these sources for any signature. This fact cannot be small because it causes them to be authorized and causes resources and use to request, no variation.
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