
The territory of Mexico has distinguished itself by its many different plants and flowers, from ancient times, part of the gastronomy of the original people of Meso America.

According to an article by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, “In Mexico, flowers have different applications, some serve as food, and others are used for decorative purposes, and thanks to the ideas that have been made of rituals, Knowledge of the use of plants is still with us. ”

Today, flowers are the heroes of many recipes, which have regular dishes of different states. So, here we present some of the most eaten flowers that occur in our country, which are the main ingredient of Mexican culture and gastronomy.

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Pumpkin is grown in flower and Mexico for more than 10,000 years, originally from the United States and is the basic ingredient of the Mexican cuisine. It is used in many foods like this Soups, creams, shells, tamalas, pancakes, salads, pasta and cassatillas. You can eat with Raw or Ebazot to create unique dishes like the first guides soup from Oksaka.

The flower of the dolia It has been declared a National Floor de Mexico since 1963. Austecs grow it, cultivated and reproduced because it has many nutritional and medical benefits. Its roots and petals are consumed to produce popular dishes such as “Chicken with Dalia Potatoes”, “Fish Chevich with Daliaz Tubers” and “Filled with Tubers” and “Filled with Tuberculosis”.

His name came from Nahuadel “Sembhuhulkshokitl”, which means “twenty flowers” or “many flowers”. This plant is Identity of the dead in Mexico It also has its contribution to the kitchen, because its use is sweet and syrup, ice cream, creams, add bread dough, you can eat steamed in raw or salads.

In Mexico it is also known as Debejilot, these flowers can be eaten in salads or caps with eggs, but they are well known to being An ingredient of the file, a quadimalan silver All saints are vegetables, sausages, cheeses and meats eaten during the celebration of the day and the dead day.

This eating ornamental tree originally came from Mexico, Central America and the United States, known as the ingredient of many lenden bottle, which is known as red -shaped red flowers. The flower can be cooked, fried, egg with eggs, chilli sauce and tamalles and pancakes. It is consumed in Guwanjuado, Kuriro, Jalisco, Micovacon and Morolos.

The flowers of this kasawa are also called “soacas” and they are part of the traditional Mexican cuisine, especially in the position Dam UL Lipas. They are usually attached to proteins such as eggs, pork ribs or deer.

Magui Kachaya is the first from Mexico to Mexico in Keero, Jallisco, Micovagan, Morolos, Oksaka and Pueubla. It is used in the kitchen filled with cheese, cabidas or mexican.

Crambullo flowers can be eaten in peancies, cheese, adolles and tamalles. They are traditional in the tradition Hitcolo.

Kuchepil’s flowers are a Mexican ingredient, which is used in the traditional cuisine of Oksaka. It is consumed in the flower and cooked, fried, bombshell, or culdilo of the Kuchebil tree, although they are also made in soups, beans, tamalees and adol.

These plants Mexico are a biodiversity and multi -cultural country, which accumulates most of its identity in the kitchen, which thinks of gastronomy with flowers.

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