There is the subject of the ‘broken’ in Cuba, but also in the Spanish tourist

In recent years, the Cuban tourism area confronted serious recession. The International Revise of 2017 is only 2. 2.2 million in the last 2024 in the last 2024 village. This deficiency shows the island’s economy because tourism is a major area.

Other Caribbeans felt impressive recovery when the tourism figures in Cuba. Countries such as the fascinating countries, Puerto Rico and Jamaica took the rise of Pandemaemia to the rise of Pandema 189. Improved infrastructure, modern tourist complexes, in general, these countries attract tourists from the Cuba.

As a result, Cuba’s position as a major tourist destination in the Caribbean, the specially published portal has been published Travel and Tour World. Despite the recession, Canada is considered a major source of tourists, 860,877 Canadians visited the island in 2024.

Russia contribute to Russia (142,4516), United States (142,450), Germany (65,487), Spain (65,054) and Mexico (62,839). Canadian market continues, but the specific portal remarks that the common figures have begun to be steadplace.

In addition, it is one of the most powerful European markets of Cuba traditionally. Italy and Italy experienced 15.9 per cent decrease in the number of 15.9%. This indicates that even the historic relations of Cuba, the European tourism will be weakened, he points to.

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