In Italy 7 from April 7 to 10 will be in Italy in Italy in Italy. In the British Embassy, the British Embassy participated in the Impasses in the Impire. Royal holy sacrifice, April 8, Italian Republic, 9, from 9, Rome 9 and RomeTo celebrate the best bilateral relationships.
The visit of the sanctuary would be a historical eventIn the year of Jubilee, the year of Jubilee, mark a substantial step forward The relationship between the Catholic Church and Church of EnglandWith a special function in the System Chapel, the king and the Pope and the weather and the weather and nature works for years. Italy visits the deep, width and underscores of bilateral relationship: cooperation for defenses in light of the current international event; Shared values, history and culture; Links between pure energy and links between our people and communities.
Visit to Holi Sen
Saintly to see Francis to join Pope Francis on Tuesday The celebrations of the Jubilee of 2025. Jubilee, which occurs in every 25 years, prayers in a year of reconciliation, prayer, and pilgrims ‘pilgrims’. Francis gets to the audience for the audience of Pope. They concentrate on the pope of the Pope Francis and reflecting the magnificent commitment of nature and reflecting the majesty of nature.
First time, the King of the Church of England, the king will meet the Church of England, as St. Paul Basilica, who is outside the walls, and the beloved to be visited by English Solar Basilica. The wall is called St. Paul outside, celebrating the reconciliation, ecumenism and relationship between Christian beliefs. Some members of the royal champion of his Mahima, the Chapel singer of San Geori, the San George or Singer will perform outside the Shan Paulo. In the Syrap case, the choirs with them is the choirs with them.
King will attend a reception with Commonwealth and Semina Vatican British Community. In the meantime, the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of the Catholic Union of Catholic Union The union will meet.
Item between Rome and two
The strong bilateral relationship between the US and Italy will be celebrated with institutional commitments in the state visitors of Karolo and Kamila in the state. On April 9, on April 9, Prime Minister Georea Meloni will be held the title of flowers and queen unidentified sedation. Karlo is the first British king of the Italian parliamentary conference. As an invitation of President Matrella, he will participate on a state feast with the candidate.
As the NATO allies, United Kingdom and Italy shares General Defensive interestsIntroductions such as the projects such as the global compat air program (GCAP). The Acolavatic team of the Joint flyer of the Rome Flyward and Royal Air Force of Royal Air Force of Royal Air Force and Red arrows at the Italian Air Force. In the Two, the royal couple will participate in reception (1945 Its 80thwork Distributl of the Presence of April 10, 1945, at 10 April 1945.
The commitment of both countries, commitment and carloom and the carhila will reflect the commitment of the two countries. In Rome, foreign secretary Supply chains will preside on a round table energy sector Many corporate leaders and personalities in many sector will be joining a description of discussions. On April 10, the raven, Carlo and Camilla will celebrate Emilly-Romagna, Slow food and excellence of the area. At this point, the king will see the local farmers, whose elections have severely affected nation names in the nearby areas.
This is the desire to protect the cultural heritage unanswered and visits the cultural heritage unanswered and visits the cultural heritage of the British. The visit to celebrate many ways to accept the people of the United Kingdom and Italy. In Rome, Queen will meet Children of schools participated in the match to celebrate the Bitish Council’s 80th AnniversaryDescribe or imagine a day in their beloved literature characters. The king and the queen will visit Danta’s tomb, Kamila will visit Kamila in the reception of the large romantic poet, Libris, and his charity’s library, bookstores, libstores, bookstores and representatives of his charity. The tomb of Galla Platia, in the Basilia of Galla Platydia, will visit their attractive mosaic in the 5th centuries and visit the king and visit the king.
British Ambassador to Rome: “a historical context”
British Ambassador to Rome Edward Lewellin This visit he explained that “We were very happy, pride and respect. He explained – Charles reached Rome in three weeks in Rome in three weeks in Rome. Italy and the United Kingdom and the historic allies and two strategic partners. When we saw Italian president in the GS and the United Nations last year, we are allies at NATO in NATO.
“United Kingdom Hosts, As you know, the full community of the Italian citizens – I need to say that the Ambassador found in foreign house was added, our country, economy, our science, and our culture and our cooking. This state visit this state of biiralists confirm the best condition of our bilateral relations for this moment, not just values and government goals. We share a passion for our community, culture, art and environment is part of our bilateral bonds, but this will last for years. This is a symbol of friendship between our countries. It is a state visit, it is the first state visit to Italy and the Queen to Italy, Queen and King Carloon. Not only for today is underlining the importance of our relationships forever“.
Previous visits
Despite Carloo’s first visit, he was already visited by the prince of Veekies: April 1985April 2005 April John Paul II for the funeral of the funeral 2009April 2017 October 2019 Cardinal Henry was the canonalization of Kardinal Henry. As a visit in 2009 and 2017, Camila, the two visits, in the 1982 visits, the Pope Pope Francis was received in the court.
As Italy attacked, Carlow visited the country seventeen times in the country, the first one in 1984. The Queen was accompanied by the king in 2009 and 2017 and in 2017.
Rather than the Queen Elizabeth, replacement, replacing the Scripture and prince of Edinburgh prince in Edinburgh. October 2000 includes in October 2000, October 2000.