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- The next 5 days there is a risk of snow in Jammu & Kashmir
Srinagar / New Delhi17 minutes ago
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A new Western disturbance is activated in Jammu and Kashmir in Jammu and Kashmir this evening. Because of this, there is a risk of snow and rainfall. In some areas, there can be a strong snowstorm and rain. Farmers have been warned to stop farmers.
Sunday’s temperature in Odisha came to 38.5 ° C at 38.5 ° C. It is likely to increase the 3-5 degrees Celsius within the next 4-5 days. Temperature, Jharsugudpuda, Sambalpur, Zonepur, Buddhist, Buddha, Bolongir districts can continue 40 ° C or more.
Odisha government has given advice on children, other animals and animals. Asked to live in homes of 11 to 3.30 pm. Asked people to keep the animals in the shade. The day of Delhi arrived at 32.8 degrees Celsius. This increased 4.4 degrees Celsius. 13.5 per temperatures. C. There is a possibility of fog on Monday with the weather Department.
The temperature of the day temperatures Celsius at 40 ° C in Rajasthan. Some districts had 35 ° C or more. Summer increased by night and day. According to the weather department, it is likely to increase the 1-2 ° C and it is likely to increase. In addition, 4 districts of the Bakner Division because of the influence of an Western disturbance. May have a slight rain or drizzle in some places.
In Madhya Pradesh, in Madhya Pradesh, past the daytime mercury overturned 35 ° C. As per the warmest 37 ° C. According to the weather department, the temperature will increase the temperature.
Now know the weather of the states …
Madhya Pradesh: In the Merury, Bhopal-Indore-Ujal division, beyond 37 ° C, increased the heat in the Bhopal-Indojan Division; The Ratnal-Narmapuram is the hottest

The day temperatures in Madhya Pradesh surpassed 37 degrees. The day temperatures in Bhopal and Ujjain-Gwalior divisions increased from 1 to 4 degrees Sunday. Was the hottest of the dark. Maximum temperature here is 37.6 degrees. Narmadapam was thrown in Muntla-Shivpuri. According to the weather department, the temperature will increase the temperature and the temperature. Read full news …