The unilateral US military action in Mexico is not an option

President Claudi Shi ash empowers an announcement to take action to the Mexicon to take action against the life of the Mexican’s life in danger.

“We do not agree. He said everything was on the table,” No, “Sheenbam told a press conference in the morning movement.

“Everything is not or somewhere in the table or chair. Or not,” They said.

Johnson’s Senetar Chris Cons questions Johnson in his view against Mexican Cartels against Mexican Cartels.

The sovereignty is an important principle. The formation of the financial centers I understand that foreign terrorist organizations reflect the widespread concern and fentanil in the United States. An Senate Told Ars Said An For the Ambassador of President Donald Trump Trump trump.

“Will you agree not to take a military action against cartels in the Mexican area without the knowledge and consent of the Mexican regime?”

John – a soldier in the first table of the soldier, former CAA official said – “The decision was taken to take action against the cartel in Mexico.

I said that the President Trench should be dangerous to protect the life of US citizens and US nationals should be in danger of US citizens. I think all the cards are on the list, “he said.

“I can’t respond to deciding commander-in-chief based on the information on the information. I think it works with our partners in Mexico,” Johnson said.

The first day of the Second Chapter the Secretary of the Second Chapter the Secretary of the World was signed an Executive Order to face the US Secretary of the US State. He later asked if he ordered to order the “Take the” Cartels “Cartels” Cartels “to order.

US President Trump said they would consider one-sided military action in Mexico. (Gauge skidmore / flickr)

“May happen,” Trump responded. “Constructure things happened.”

In July last year, Trump said in an interview with Fox News when “strikes” still on the table.

Wall Street Journal reported on Feb 28 The top Mexican military personnel said, “The US military was ready to take one-sided action in the fellowship between the country and drug cartels.”

“Mexico in that call appears to be suggested by the military of Mexico in Mexico,” People say about the call of January 31.

On his side, Trump’s “Governance” KZAR ELON MUSK Wrote on x on February 19th As a result of the Department of the Department of the Department of State Department, six Mexican Cartels and two other Criminal organizations are eligible for drone strikes.

The CIA recently hounded for Fentanynel Labs to spy in drugs over drugs. Say Sheenbam with the permission of the Mexican government.

The US drone observations were conducted by the US drone observations with the permission of the Mexican government, “Shinbam said. (US Air Force / Brian Ferguson)

The president has declined before the recurring arguments from the US government.

Although the white house has made against the government of Mexico, but the president was maintained for the second time. Last week, they reached a contract following the longest time in Mexican goods.

He said that the USMA free trade contract “Mexican Neptives” containing the USMA Free Trade Contract.

Sheenbam said Mexico was willing to cooperate with security issues, but will not accept the violation of its sovereignty.

They repeated that message on Friday.

“We’re cooperating within a framework of honor, and in fact is very good coordinity within the framework of our sovereignty.

“… We’re going to coordinate together and go to collaborately.

Mexico News Daily Chief Staff Writer Peter Davis ((Email protected))

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