The tensions in the democratic party and ‘the comparison’. But Schlin is pulling the news

The vote vote vote vote of the Europe was dividing democracy and worked in an internal detantable to the party. Moderate moderately, not only from moderation, but also to a request to an comparative policy.

But Secretary slightly: “The PD is not changing”. The team of the Mepper, which was smooth, which smooth, which was smooth, is smoothly, which is smooth, which is smooth, “No” in Ursula Warne Plan. Strongly with halfway (10 votes).

Among the rebels, the party’s president and the leader of the party’s leader and the leader of the internal minority minority and the “pax”. But tense is not only on European soldiers. They heard many PD exponents even in the cavity and Senate. The Paurder Fazino to Leah, the senator Sandra was asked to spread the word identity, profile, profile and reliability. Andro and Andrea Orlando requested. In short, how the discussion is open. Which ideas are clear.

“Give up to a party – quartapel – Saying who he is and to implement the thickness of the political instruction.” But Shawen repeatedly repeatedly: “It is a theme we share, but we will cause the public citizens. Former Premier Polo Gentaloni, Romano Prodi and Romano Prodi are also the secretary of criticism. Restore EU Plan is “the first step” professor.

The headline of Antonio Dian, Elishabeta Guana, Elishabeta Guana, Pirres, Pirrinam replaces the headline of Nicola, Narsula, Mathila, Narzulla, Mathila Loreto and Kamila Lorola, Mathila Loright. It was strongly ready to vote for free CCELia Strada, Marco Tarkinio or “No”. There was a small yellow in the Annancyta: His vote was favorable from tables, but he determined it in refreshing it. “There has been different assessments – he recognized as the head of head Nicola Singar’s head, but no one has voted against the theme”.

Analysis of the updates are different. “No, fortunately the line went below,” said Quartapel. “The Theme – an exponent of a moderate area explained in the translantic language – is that we voted like European socialists.
Those who decided to abstain from it, “he lasts with the Mip PC PCware. This is the position of the Democratic Party. Slovenon and an irish. Like jokes “. Gusippippecher took it for a storage:” No m5s is not voted, no by granite and compact.

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