The sea ice disappears toward the north. This is how the itemcute responds

Invalism53:59The ocean ice, institution to a climate crisis

For more than 30 years, Reuben flowers record the changes to the north.

Obviously observations of climate areas and ice levels in the capital of the Imech Life Skin Teacher from Hopmedells.

His journals are proof of change.

“Ice is definitely thin,” said the flowers, 57, Invalism Host Rosanna Decheled. “When I was a child, it was very thick.”

For many communities to the north, Ice in the ice up to six to nine monthsIs an integral part of the landscape.

In winter, Ice communities connect to ferrous and obstruct the flights. They move people travel and they become roads for the Arctic Char, seal, seal and seals.

The Reuben flowers is the Inuk Life Skills Teacher since Nunatsey. (Reuben flowers submitted)

In climate, the period refuses to physically and emotionally and emotionally and mentally.

“We are Sikmula,” said the flowers. “That means” people in the snow “.

When the flowers are deteriorated, residents of the pools are forced to conform to a new reality as flowers.

Matching climate change

An Okwellwellwellwell and Title is handled from North Ost Community, Noratceate Noratzivat.

Traditional knowledge is manager of the Smarts of the Northyan Ice situations. He says the bittersveet is the growing demand of their technology.

“(This) is bad in the sense of”

The man is measured by an emock.
Rex Hallwell is the management of Smart Operations of Nunatziva. (Humlin Lamp)

In the past, More dependent on traditional knowledge Passed through generations to evaluate snow conditions. For security purposes, elders have taught young levels, and determine the thickness, strength and snow murder.

But the weather tendencies used to predict ice levels, says Holves, as it used to predict ice levels, says Holvel. The rains of rain are the things that have never met, “he said.

In response, Smartis works more information to make and giving additional information before the ice in an area is recovering the ice.

Smart picks are the tall, tube-like sensor that is low in the ice, the ice can be measured. Another tool is a mobile sensor attached to a snowmobil that moves ice. Collecting data in ice conditions as it moves on the ice.

People who drive snowmobils in the snow-covered technology.
Smart A calls “Smart Khmenic”, called a mobile sensor attached to a snowmobil that moves through the snowway, and it collects data in its conditions. (The bird’s eye isk)

Establishing basic facilities of the climate crisis

Robert looks at the waters of the world like glaciers and Permaprost. The research chair is the research chair, an Associate Professor in the University of Queen.

As far as he is concerned about the livelihood of people living in the North communities.

As a weather scientist, he identifies the types of destructive changes to Articine, and communities say the communities say it is not far from the danger of climate change. The Housing Situation in NunatziaSuch a violation of such a human rights is called, melting melt.

“When you work this kind, you try to understand the climate change, (but it happens in the background of the forefront,” he said.

View | The marine ice is thinning a toll in the natceavivicomous residents:

Shrinks the sea ice in the Northern Labrades

The residents of the villains describe the thin sea ice, it consists of their communities

A current initiatives are to create communities of the wide-identical wise welcome areas where the permaprost condition is changed.

“When there is a community with all kinds of needs, you don’t want to spend the additional price and time … you don’t want to handle the problems related to safety.

‘This is worth everything’

The knowledge collected into the next generation of flowers. When moving his students in the land, monitoring and measuring the snow and taught snow.

“This is a great part of our identity,” he said.

Hollwell is committed to deliver knowledge.

The lack of major information on the weather is affecting safe journey, food, medical info, more and more
Robert Way is an associator in Queen’s University in the Planning Department, the Planning Department. (John Goody / CBC)

By the smartis, Holvell goes to various communities to use the locals and to train the locals. He says the most rewarding side of his job is engaging with the elders.

“When the elders tell me, ‘Rex, thank you to thank you, so they keep people in their community, so it is worth it,” he said.

“Its core, and we have seen in life in life, and we match it and learn to it with the situation we have.”

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