The Roba Cassus Banda Desication for CDMX

Intelligence components of the Cita Ministry of Processive Ministry of Society (SSC) Mexico City (CDMX)They earned a band of a band they have been dedicated Home robbery With violence working in the western region of the country’s capital.

Ewal Ivanjandro, Louis, Daniel, Marco Antonio, Giovanni Adam, Adam, Who Arrested After they committed a Robbo Operators of West C2 and C 5 observed real-time.

Jalapha Street and Huachinango Street and Jalanimo Akulco Street, Magdalina Conversations, they were The police factors were blocked.

When a Preventive Review, a Saxphen, Oxygen Concentrator, Cell phones, marijuana and smffana bags and stained them. No spreading plates.

The Mexico City of Mexico City was suspicious Research folder Supplementary.

South of the CDMX in Modus OpandD D Roba

According to the investigating, there are 6 subjects containing 6 subjects Firearms and white weapons.

They are associated with CI-FIO / UAT-AO-3 / UI-1S / D / D / D / D / 00126 / 03-2025 on March 5 Entered home Colonia Lomaz D La ErA, which is located on May 10, the Mayor’s office is álvaro obeegîg.

He The inconvenient When three subjects arrived at home, he said they intervened from the bedroom to the yard of his house. They threatened it with a knife, as well as Honda HREV 2022 Color and LWAl 491B plates a seat Ibiza Fr.

What to do during a robbery?

If you experience a robbery at your house, it is important to keep calm Work quickly and secure. Some recommendations are:

  • Keep calm and evaluate the situation: If the thief is still at home or close, the most important thing is your security. Don’t try to cope with it. If possible for a safe place (such as a bath or a key like a bath or a key).
  • Call the police: You can call local emergency number (911 in many countries) as a safe place, report theft. It also gives all the relevant details such as the location of this house, or if the thief is still close.
  • Don’t touch anything: If there were no accidents and thieves, don’t touch or move or do not touch or do not. As if the police will not be required to be avoided.
  • Create a business of stolen material: If sure to do so, prepare a detailed list of stolen objects. If you have them include descriptions, brands, models, serial numbers and photos.

* Mvg *

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